Tarik Cyril Amar is a historian, geopolitical analyst and author of The Paradox of Ukrainian Lviv: A Borderland City between Stalinists, Nazis and Nationalists.
From his recent article for RT - Britain goes full Orwell accusing Putin of imperialism:
Politically, this is just another way in which semi-smart people fool semi-simple people. But there is a more serious, moral dimension as well. It is a truly and abjectly colonial and imperialist move to exploit the massive suffering – almost exclusively at the hands of the West – as well as the hard-won insights and hard-fought resistance of what we now call the Global South so as to feed them into the cheap propaganda that the West now uses to sell its geopolitics-101 proxy war in Ukraine as an issue of ‘rules’ and ‘values’. And yet that is precisely what David Lammy has done. What a disgrace.
Tarik Cyril Amar on Amazon describes himself thus:
I am a historian of the twentieth century, writing about World War Two, the postwar period, as well as our twenty first-century present. After finishing my work on the city of Lviv in Ukraine, I have set out on a new project about spy thrillers in Cold War Russia and Eastern Europe. I have lived, studied, done research, and worked in Turkey, the United States, Great Britain, Ukraine, Russia, Poland, and Germany and am now teaching at the Department of History of Koc University in Istanbul. My website is www.tcyrilamar.com. You can also find me on twitter @TarikCyrilAmar
Please do consider subscribing to my Substack - I am on the ground in Syria and currently the only Western independent journalist in the country. Thank you to all who have already subscribed x
Excellent work thankyou VB & Tarik. Interesting article here on UNZ review:- "The real goal of the Globo-Zionists is a “Jewish utopia” where all the wealth of the world will be held by the Jews and all the nations of the earth will be subservient to them and their “God.”[33] In other words, globalism and its off-shoot Zionism is not only about a Jewish state, it is about a Jewish-Based World Order. As prominent Jewish writer, Israel Shamir, says,
Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews, the world is. Palestine is just the place for world state headquarters. The Jews intend to turn Jerusalem into the supreme capital of the world, and its rebuilt temple into the focal point of the earth […] .[34] https://www.unz.com/article/the-jewish-plot-to-enslave-humanity/
Western leaders and elites act as if people/societies no longer matter because they have to rule over the globe. We are like ants in a lab. And then there are leaders who actually still serve a particular country or society and genocide is regarded as abhorrent.
Amazing conversation! (Vanessa, Are you no longer using your VK account of is it not yours?)
What a heartening conversation. I mean that quite literally that it gives me heart to hear the obvious spoken as if it's obvious. I feel like I've gone most of my life trying to point things out that seemed obvious to me and having people look at me like I'm crazy.
Where I would differ with Tarik is in his field of expertise in WWII. He points repeatedly to parallels between Israel and Nazi Germany and says therefore the world can deal with Israel the same way. What he's missing is that they ARE the same, and should be called ZioNazis. What is 100% certain is that Hitler never gave orders for any extermination program of Jews, or showed any awareness of one: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-trials-of-david-irving
From one of my readers, most of the Nazi leadership was Jewish. Another wrote: "When you consider the size of the camps and the technology that was available at the time, the logistics do not support the claim that 6,000,000 Jews were killed by the Nazis. Someone did the math. According to him it would have taken 87 years for the Nazis to kill 6,000,000 Jews and dispose of all those bodies. The Red Cross estimated that the number of people who died in the camps were less than 300,000, and that most of those deaths were caused by a typhoid outbreak and by starvation after the allies bombed the supply lines. Likewise, according to the World Almanac, the population of European Jews in 1948 was 15,753,638 as compared to 15,315,350 in 1933. If 6,000,000 Jews had been killed by the Nazis, one would assume that the number of Jews in 1948 would have been fewer than in 1933. And finally, Jews weren't a majority of the inmates in some of those camps. For example, according to what seem to be credible sources, 87% of the inmates in Dachau and 53% of the inmates in Auschwitz were Catholics. Perhaps you should ask yourselves why do we never hear about those victims of the Third Reich." https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-breggins-and-semitism/comment/54668373
I happened to say to a bar owner recently that I was a holocaust denier, to which he took great offense because his grandmother was a survivor from one of the camps. However she was Catholic and her father was a Nazi officer. So her book was a denial of the official narrative.
Tarik gives Hitler's winter invasion of Russia as proof he was crazy. But there's another theory that he made far too many military blunders for them to be an accident. His role was to set up the sacrifice of Germans, in which he succeeded wildly. My article referenced above gives many more details. So the National Socialists shouldn't be confused with the Nazis, which they didn't call themselves until Hitler's infiltration and whose name has more in common with Ashkenazi.
Also, whether the US answers to Israel or Israel answers to the US is, I think, both wrong. They both answer to the PBI--Powers Behind Israel. Israel was meant to be a sacrifice zone, just like Ukraine. Both are being manipulated into a final showdown. My two cents.