Mary Kostadikis in Oz is also being charged with violating the Racial Discrimination Act. More at:


The Racial Discrimination Act of Australia reads as follows:

“it is unlawful for a person to do an act, otherwise than in private, if:

(a) the act is reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or a group of people; and

(b) the act is done because of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of the other person or of some or all of the people in the group.”

They are complaining that she re-tweeted something Nazrallah said last January. I would like a reputable translation of his statement. And is not Israel not just talking about removing all Palestinians from the river to the sea, but actually doing it in real time?

Part of the complaint states she says there is no credible evidence Hamas committed rape on Oct. Y. What is wrong with Australia?

This looks totally organized to me. They're jailing ordinary nobodies with no significant public presence for things they've posted online. This is nuts. Next thing they'll start jailing people for things their neighbors say they said. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

I'd stay away from the 5 Sisters if I were you, Vanessa. They're rabid at the moment. Probably to hide their pending economic default(s) caused by their financial support of Ukraine and Israel.

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Thanks Nosey Parker...yes Mary Kostadikis has been brilliant...a true hero for Human Rights! I think these laws are simply outrageous....sadly seems as we saw with Assange there is no refuge in the sop called "Justice system".

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Not being an Aussie, I don't know her work. But I am very familiar with this dynamic of going after people who speak out truthfully and smashing them down as hard as possible as an efficient (supposedly) technique of controlling much greater numbers of people. I do not think this will work now. You note what they're going after when they arrest: They relieve all these people of electronic gadgets used for communication. They cannot shut us up as easily as they have in the past because of how widespread computers and cell phones are and how easily a single post can spread very quickly. In the past someone like Assange would have disappeared in prison and not be heard of again until the state decides they have "neutralized" the harm he might cause them. Word of mouth (literally) is not nearly as fast as digitalized propagation (though it is the most democratic form of communication and one which the state cannot control, ever). And videos and photos can communicate much more than a piece of paper. It is important to understand how focused discrimination against individuals acts within a totalitarian system. For reference, I came of age in Iran under the Shah. Iran was controlled for several generations through fear. That is what they are trying to create in order to control you and me. People can be controlled through fear for a surprisingly long time. It's not going to work this time, however, unless they disable electricity for hundreds of millions of people, which would destroy the state economically. Kostadikis will be okay. They're doing this to too many people in too many countries and using too outrageous methods. News of these arrests are going around the world in minutes, hours, maybe a day, multiple times. It is not nearly as difficult to raise money for legal defense funds as it once was. Internationally.

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Thanks Vanessa for your bravery and dedication. Keep up the good works.

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Spot on Cheers VB!

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Which Midde Eastern parties are the ICC investigating?

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Not sure what you mean.

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I meant aren't both Israel and Hamas being investigated for crimes against humanity, so why wouldn't people comment about possible genocide by either party?

Without knowing just what words are complained about and why it is hard to say whether the commentary is intended to incite violence (or if such incitement should be justiciable in Britain), but the suspicion must be that these are attempts to suppress discussion of the rights and wrongs of the situation. Then there is the further question, which is whether the same standards are being applied to discussion of each side: i.e. is there a political calculation involved in the arrest?

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