This is irrelevant to your current topic, Vanessa, although I'm looking forward to hearing the incomparable Fiorella on these incomprehensible Trump Moves to turn Palestinians into golf caddies (jobs! jobs! jobs!)

Julius Skoolafish was looking at some of my older episodes and came across https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/noam-chomsky-is-the-problem. He drew my attention to your 2021 https://thewallwillfall.org/2021/12/30/the-real-noam-chomsky/.

Your 12 points where Chomsky contradicts what he pretends to stand for are excellent--not just for their content but for the method of analysis. My article focuses on the last, his claim to be an anarchist and why his interview with Russell Brand contradicted that.

I'll be citing it in a future article in how to analyze whether someone is who they say they are. I think terms like 'controlled opposition' let someone off the hook. It gives them a label and a motive, rather than holding them responsible for the integrity of their statements. It's more effective, imo, to take someone at face value and be relentless in challenging their contradictions ... friend or foe.

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Believe Gabbard has always fully bought in to the Zionist narrative and, for me entwined with it, the official Sept. 11 narrative and ensuing "war on terror." This even when she was seemingly more independent and "anti-war."

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You two are wonderfully real and down to earth. Thanks always.

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These videos do not appear. Have they been taken down by YouTube?

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What videos? The links are to articles 😊

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