Their goal is first to control the land and resources for consumers back home and impoverish the natives, the word out of Hindi was loot, for free or cheap labor, and create police forces and borders to concentration camp the resistance to their theft and brutality. If it wasn’t for the Society Union it would have been on full display like the post 1990s have shown. Don’t vote for anyone who can’t back abolition and platform free Palestine
Shame on all those who protect the state of Israel , and America why do you love Israel so mush , it’s only taking us to their level and as a government feels only love for criminals as we’ve become them , say good bye to a country that could have made the world a better place to live in … I guess China has the right idea build and not destroy the world with weapons for a better economy as we in America and western world believes in …..
A colleague went to San Francisco with family. On a corner in downtown he observed a scene from hell – three humans in grotesques unnatural “frozen” (unmoving) positions (fentanyl effect).
One was standing by a bicycle with upper body horizontally lying motionlessly across bike.
Nowhere on Earth – in any city, state or country would be allowed such horror and suffering – for years. Only in Biden/Harris/Newsome America.
While Congress mega-gangster, Nancy Pelosi, literally kisses hands of Ukrainian Nazi-gangster and US vassal, Zelensky, in US Congress, while a large contingent of RINO Republicans wave Ukrainian flags – celebrating hundreds of billions dollars to Ukraine while above horrors are daily in the US. Congress demanded that showing that infamous photos are – forbidden to show (“disinformation”).
Note, that after US coup against democratically elected government of Ukraine and in the name of “defending democracy”, all parties were outlawed, opponents of Nazi-dominated imposed government started to “disappear”, all media is strictly censored and staffed with CIA-trained propagandists, Russian media is immediately forbidden in Europe and US….
We are ruled by a corrupt and criminal Biden/Harris administration. The country is now being entirely run by a slew of minions like Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinken, etc. Just observe a video from the past day alone, which is outright shocking -- an absolutely wasted, mentally unfit, and enfeebled looking Biden croaking out some frail introduction to his wife, who is now heading the Cabinet meeting in his stead. It is the first Cabinet meeting since October of 2023—an entire year—and it’s being run by Jill sitting at the head of the president’s seat…
This is America today – in which CIA-DNC controlled state media in unison adores and pushes an unelected loser -- the brainless puppet “Skamala” Harris.
I interpret "waiting for the results of the IDF investigation into the incident” as "waiting for the euphemistic propaganda phrases the IDF chooses to use to down play their vicious war crimes".
Please take action to pressure ICC judges to issue arrest warrant for Netanyahu. Thank you.
I believe that the US gov't can put way more pressure on the ICC... So while this is nice, it is also pointless...
Their goal is first to control the land and resources for consumers back home and impoverish the natives, the word out of Hindi was loot, for free or cheap labor, and create police forces and borders to concentration camp the resistance to their theft and brutality. If it wasn’t for the Society Union it would have been on full display like the post 1990s have shown. Don’t vote for anyone who can’t back abolition and platform free Palestine
Shame on all those who protect the state of Israel , and America why do you love Israel so mush , it’s only taking us to their level and as a government feels only love for criminals as we’ve become them , say good bye to a country that could have made the world a better place to live in … I guess China has the right idea build and not destroy the world with weapons for a better economy as we in America and western world believes in …..
America under criminal administration Biden/Harris and Gavin Newsam in CA
Same in Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, etc. or
A colleague went to San Francisco with family. On a corner in downtown he observed a scene from hell – three humans in grotesques unnatural “frozen” (unmoving) positions (fentanyl effect).
One was standing by a bicycle with upper body horizontally lying motionlessly across bike.
Nowhere on Earth – in any city, state or country would be allowed such horror and suffering – for years. Only in Biden/Harris/Newsome America.
While Congress mega-gangster, Nancy Pelosi, literally kisses hands of Ukrainian Nazi-gangster and US vassal, Zelensky, in US Congress, while a large contingent of RINO Republicans wave Ukrainian flags – celebrating hundreds of billions dollars to Ukraine while above horrors are daily in the US. Congress demanded that showing that infamous photos are – forbidden to show (“disinformation”).
Note, that after US coup against democratically elected government of Ukraine and in the name of “defending democracy”, all parties were outlawed, opponents of Nazi-dominated imposed government started to “disappear”, all media is strictly censored and staffed with CIA-trained propagandists, Russian media is immediately forbidden in Europe and US….
We are ruled by a corrupt and criminal Biden/Harris administration. The country is now being entirely run by a slew of minions like Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinken, etc. Just observe a video from the past day alone, which is outright shocking -- an absolutely wasted, mentally unfit, and enfeebled looking Biden croaking out some frail introduction to his wife, who is now heading the Cabinet meeting in his stead. It is the first Cabinet meeting since October of 2023—an entire year—and it’s being run by Jill sitting at the head of the president’s seat…
This is America today – in which CIA-DNC controlled state media in unison adores and pushes an unelected loser -- the brainless puppet “Skamala” Harris.
Absolutely horrendous, barbaric pure and simple. Israel needs to be held to account .
Many of us thought that humanity had overcome such despicable savagery... But Isra-Hell proves us wrong, time after time after time.
I interpret "waiting for the results of the IDF investigation into the incident” as "waiting for the euphemistic propaganda phrases the IDF chooses to use to down play their vicious war crimes".