Shame on all those who protect the state of Israel , and America why do you love Israel so mush , it’s only taking us to their level and as a government feels only love for criminals as we’ve become them , say good bye to a country that could have made the world a better place to live in … I guess China has the right idea build and not d…
Shame on all those who protect the state of Israel , and America why do you love Israel so mush , it’s only taking us to their level and as a government feels only love for criminals as we’ve become them , say good bye to a country that could have made the world a better place to live in … I guess China has the right idea build and not destroy the world with weapons for a better economy as we in America and western world believes in …..
Shame on all those who protect the state of Israel , and America why do you love Israel so mush , it’s only taking us to their level and as a government feels only love for criminals as we’ve become them , say good bye to a country that could have made the world a better place to live in … I guess China has the right idea build and not destroy the world with weapons for a better economy as we in America and western world believes in …..