Aug 27, 2023Liked by vanessa beeley

i can imagine some of the comments in the "halls of power",

Syria's situation being a slow cooker, a fruit ripe for picking.

the vast suffering reported on by Vanessa is a "good" situation for those seeking further destabilization. i cannot help but agree with Vanessa's observation on the link between the non-war

in the Ukraine, and this retread of "revolution".

for myself, russia/ukraine and Syria have further educated me on the lie or ideology of the "rule of law"

promoted by the "west". how can a compass direction have human agency?

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The Juggernaut is slow to turn, in its wake, cities burn,

Children crying, parents dying, the Western ghouls just keep on lying.

Slavery of sexual feature, price tags on the human creature, sold for parts or for an hour,

For the demon-marked, there is no shower

To wash away their crimes so low, their own mothers claim of them not to know---confronted with having produced such inhuman monsters from their own flesh.

Samantha, Condi, Madeline, Susan, Hillary, Nikki, Kamala... Who stares back from the mirror?

Are there mirrors in Hell, Madeline....? You would know, but are strangely quiet.

Nonetheless, I'm guessing if justice and retribution are truly paybacks for a bitch, Mad Maddie has 500,000 personal mirrors all to herself. 24/7/365.

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''The West has not given up on plans to balkanise Syria.''

Indeed however it's all part and package of the lie based response to the 9-11 false flag event which activated PNAC which in turn is directly related to the Zionist ideology of creating a greater Israel which requires the carving up of all the apartheid state's neighbors into smaller and thus more easily controlled vassal states.

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