Isn't it possible that the Satanists running that abomi-Nation of desolation calling itself 'Israel', have everyone in the region...& beyond...under blackmail/threat of going nuclear if...? How does one root out such Evil? unless the Time of the End is near, & a nuclear conflagration is to be its inevitable demise...OR...negotiations are underway to rebuild the 3rd Temple (without destroying Al-Aqsa ) so as to initiate the sacrificing of that red heifer...? or will it cost the Blood of ALL the Palestinians to appease these Molach-worshippers?

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Great post ladies. I found it therapeutic to hear people talking about Erdogan this way. I have viewed him as pure poison for many years, but I don't remember anybody describing him the way I think of him before.

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Thank you for clearing some of the fog re Russia's behavior toward Syria. I am still wondering if there is possibly an underbelly of across-the-globe cooperation via the WEF.

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Me too

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Both Putin and Xi Jinping were/are members of the WEF. Even if this information has been obscured, their complicity in the COVID scamdemic (and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals) reveal that they are part of the globalist agenda to enslave humanity. China is leading the way, having already implemented a prototype technocratic digital prison which commands and controls every Chinese adult's daily economic activity in real time.

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What a fucking shit show in Syria,"😡 one thing I do know is" mr putin is a wise man who always rolls with a master plan, uncle vlads got plenty of tricks up his sleeve 😉

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I have no faith in Putin anymore.

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Jewlani was too obvious so they have renamed him after Sharia law. How silly.

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The United States may well be in decline, but the Greater Isra-Hell project has gained huge momentum from the fall of Syria.

Although the central banksters have been backing the emergence of the BRICS economies, are we also witnessing a transition from Pax Americana to Pax Judea?

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Thank you both for this discussion. You both deserve a greater audience on Substack. I had heard Assad was glad to be out of politics and just wanted to return to medicine. The Russian silence about him is perhaps ominous.

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We are both heavily shadowbanned on almost every platform

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The first question in any fight, why am I in it?

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