There is news the RAF is flying surveillance over Gaza On behalf of the IDF. I wonder if they’re providing targeting information for clusters of children to bomb.

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So lovely to see you back Vanessa, hope you are feeling loads better.

The UK are are doing exactly the same as in Ukraine, keeping a lot of their involvement in Israel behind their magic curtain.

Since the 7th, 61 or 62 days ago they have been flying in two, sometimes three planes into Israel every day and they're definitely not being sent to bring people of Israel out andi doubt Israel is a popular tourist destination at the moment.

Somehow the UK has learnt the art of whistling innocently while doing some of the worst things and worse still, many fall for it.

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Well wouldn't it be nice.

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Gruesome reports: glad to see you back. (Had an uneasy response to your ‘Apology’ post, imagining perhaps you were not the author...)

More and more distrustful of NGO’s running into war/disaster situations; ripe climates for licensed perfidy

Amalek. Your cross post of Tereza Corragio led me down a rabbit hole following a link to a 4 hour video: ‘You Are Amalek’; not sure if it’s a full endorsement, but it’s there on Bitchute and Odysee.

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I look forward to listening to your thoughts very soon... but if you're interested, this is an Australian perspective on the 'Hamas horrors' factory.


The Murdoch Australian is beyond belief here, would seem extreme even in the UK, talking about Hamas as an evil monster for which no condemnation is sufficient, while having nothing to say about the IOF's terrible crimes being committed every day.

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Thanks Vanessa, for reposting my episode on Kissinger & the Balfour Declaration, bringing me to the attention of Mark Elsis. I just linked and quoted from your third video here in my latest: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/my-hitler-journey.

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As if...

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Okay, probably a pointless diatribe. This singular pain that this striated bone can't figure is the theatre that the West makes of perfidy. Why? To reduce its population, could of said. CCP looking honest, did it. A performance of cult ridden ignorance, a freemasonic nonsense born of B'nai B'rith, does this. Yeah, duck..

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Get well soon!

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