The veil lifted on some more genocides. Got to keep the people in Central Africa fighting each other while the corporations loot the resources. Sitting on top of it all the Clintons aka the Rockefellers!

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Thank you Vanessa! In addition to Kieth Harman Snow, Ann Garrison has done valuable reporting on the Great Lakes Region of Africa, most recently this: https://www.transcend.org/tms/2024/04/the-us-did-not-fail-to-intervene-in-rwanda/

She gave a recent presentation pointing out how cozy Kagame has been with Netanyaho and other key zionist leaders https://icssmarx.org/the-truth-about-the-rwanda-genocide-and-its-impact-30-years-on-ann-garrison-april-21-2024-1030-am-pacific-time/

Robin Philpot's book "Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa: From Tragedy to Useful Imperial Fiction" is excellent for understanding the whole context of what really happened. Also Judi Rever's "In Praise of Blood".

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