and-600,000 by Christmas...

Judge w/Nader: Since Oct 7 2023 Jews Have Murdered 300 000 Gaza Civilians


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CONFIRMED: Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA operative (and - was sent to Russia for spying). Hence, the immense and brazen Russia-gate hoax was NOT the first CIA coup in the US. Democracy left US on November 22, 1963…

RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death


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Of course I'm antisemitic. I don't venerate a wall or adulate a thug. I don't hesitate to denounce an imperial power gifting a living culture to liars. I loathe a predictable pre-scripted deliverance, buoyant on terror. As far as I can gather, only little of the foregoing has anything to do with semitic language! Oops I'm ranting. Just whisky and my perennial distaste for our susceptibility to ideation. Usually called propaganda. Hate what's happening, Love what you do.

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WAR ROOM EVENING EDITION – Sept 16 – 2nd half is Mike Benz !!! OUTSTANDING


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