Jan 21Liked by vanessa beeley

Thank you for this insight into what is happening in Yemen.

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Thank you Vanessa for sharing once again this very powerful interview. 🙏

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There's so much I haven't known about Yemen. I know that what I've been told isn't the truth but not the perspective from the people there. Thank you for reprinting this and giving me that background. It's heartbreaking.

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Vanessa, What if?

The reason why Russia only intervened in the ongoing killing of Russian civilians in the Donbas by the time 14,000 had already been killed, is because of a Globalist agenda with a definitive timeline and strategy?

• The leisurely pace of the Russian/Ukraine war is designed to exhaust the West’s supply of weapons and materiel? Messenger Boris Johnson told puppet Zelensky that he was not to agree to a peace deal.

• It is not a co-incidence that the most experienced army in the world, the US, left most of their weapons in Afghanistan during their chaotic withdrawal? What if it was by design?

A disarmed West would not be able to defend itself against the imposition of a Global government, as advocated by the WEF, whose Board members include King Charles and Blackrock CEO Larry Fink (Lazarus Finkelstein?).

The US Democratic Government’s open border policy allowed thousands of fighting age men to infiltrate, making it difficult for a disarmed US army to defend itself, already compromised by its woke policies, which, IMO is not a coincidence. Rumours of caches of weapons, strategically distributed throughout the US, persists.

We know that ‘the browning of Europe’ has already taken place, which makes a similar scenario a distinct possibility. Europe’s weapons have also been donated to Ukraine. A Coincidence? No.

The timeline referred to above, could have been meant to dovetail with the Hamas October 7 attack, probably co-ordinated by Netanyahu. I would describe Netanyahu to be one of those whom the Bible describes as ‘those who say they are Jews, but are not’, and a traitor to the real Jews.

In 2018 Henri Kissinger told the Jerusalem Post journalists that in ten years’ time, Israel will have stopped to exist. Luciferians believe that if they tell you what they are going to do to you and you don’t stop them, then it does not carry any Karma for them. Melinda Gates openly wears her upside-down cross. Luciferians such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bezos, Schiffs and dozens of others, detest real Jews. The Rothschilds organised for the state of Israel to come into being after WWII and never visits, but owns most of the land, which Jews rent from them. The reason why they want a concentration of Jews is because it would be easier to kill them by dropping a bomb on them, for instance.

Pfizer CEO Jew Albert Bourla said at Davos that ‘at last our dream of halving the world population will have come true by 2025’. He thought that he was speaking in confidence to like-minded people. Disease X will be deployed in June. The ‘useless eaters’ have to be eliminated; IT will soon impact 60% of jobs. The Biden administration has already passed legislation that will make ‘vaccination’ and concentration camps compulsory. Power will be ceded to Bill Gates’ WHO.

These ‘elite’ families are the descendants of the Pharisees and Sadducees referred to in the Bible.

Wikipedia describes the Sadducees as the wealthy elite, which we today call the Corporate elite.

When they infiltrated and ran the Temple, they demanded that the first-borns be brought to the Temple. Could it have been for the same reason that cause their descendants to be still caught up in scandals of a paedophile nature?

We are all facing extinction as WWIII unrelentingly unfolds. The Corporate elite families have multi-million dollar underground bunkers with enough food for ten years. After the coming pole-shift (era 2026-2040) they will emerge from their bunkers and tell survivors that they are gods who had come down from heaven and promptly organise new Feudalist structures again.

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important background, thank you. Balkanization & divide & conquer--Imperialism's favorite playbook.

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The Houthi fighters are supporting the people of Gaza because it is the right thing to do.

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