The modern political establishment has fastened itself to us in the manner parasites in the absence of any defensive attributes or such mechanisms as may offer defense and or protection affix themselves to 'beasts' so that they function while preserving their imposition of their untouchable status. The legitimate populations of so many countries are rendered impotent in a similar manner by malevolent agencies and their disgusting agents who display nothing except contempt for their 'privileged 'underlings who they ironically disregard as 'suckers'. How much more of this are we prepared to sustain? In fact to parody their own verbiage the situation has become emphatically unsustainable!...not to mention intolerable!

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The bombing of the Nordstrom pipeline put extreme hardship on much of the EU people. It’s amazing there isn’t more unrest about this subject. The act of terrorism on a pipeline bringing cheap energy should be at the forefront of msm. It’s just another example that there is little real journalism within the ranks of the BBC and other major news outlets in Europe. All they push is the propaganda of the globalist elites.

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