This reminds me of the secret court hearings of the Family Court in English jurisdiction which forcibly separated so many children from their parents. The UK is so hypocritical and corrupt that as a rule of thumb one should believe its officials only when they are criticizing their own government.

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seeding terror to justify state terror

the horrific reality most people won’t acknowledge as what their empires visit upon the world and then see only who they think are someone else’s victims

hypocrisy is too mild a word to describe this horror

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The problem with the West is that too many people watch the TV and are brainwashed- when they should be on Substack instead! Thank you for this compelling information Vanessa.

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Thank you for reading it ;-)

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Outstanding report on Western hypocrisy.

One of the classic trademarks of Fascism is to accuse the other side of something that they themselves have done.

Western exceptionalism is double speak for fascism.

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Thanks Vanessa. That’s some shameful shit. As always...

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Excellent article. Our governments have always been complicit in murdering innocents.

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Dummies like me require more explanation than most. Anyway, thanks for the insight and for doing what no one else dares to do.

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Lol sorry, I genuinely thought it was clear but will make sure it's clear next time. Thank you for reading. 🙏

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Unconscionable what is going on with children. You are right, of course, to highlight publicized hypocrisy. I believe it to be more widespread than war zones. Disasters, mass migrations, poverty, famine, disease, dysphoria, and evil breed inexplicable horrors.

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I’ve been awake to the lies of the NATO war machine and media since my early 20’s (around 2008) and was utterly horrified by what was done to Syria and the non-stop almost ludicrous propaganda being peddled at the time. The idea that we had to use military power to “fight ISIS” but simultaneously fight the Syrian government who was also fighting ISIS was so utterly stupid that it baffles me that the majority of people were buying it.

Then they recycled the old WMD lies from Iraq with the fake/false flag gas attacks and again these braindead morons swallowed it.

Then there was the whole “NATO planes dropping rainbow coloured democracy bombs while Russian planes drop child killer bombs” narrative.

It was the Russian intervention in Syria that really brought Vladimir Putin to my attention as a highly intelligent, thoughtful and rational defender of nations.

I really really struggle not to hate stupid people sometimes.

I’m fairly new to your work Vanessa but I’m absolutely blown away by your heroism, bravery, selflessness, determination and dedication to truth and justice and the plight of the tens of millions killed, maimed, orphaned, displaced, impoverished, bereaved, abused and trafficked by these horrific Zionist/banksters wars.

I was not raised a religious man but I have no greater hope than that every person on earth receive the justice they deserve come judgement day.

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Excellent reporting, Vanessa. One thing that disturbed me, however, was a short paragraph condemning the Russians for abuse. It was included without comment. Was this a mistake? I have seen no evidence that Russia committed abuses of children or others. The ICC in Hague wrongfully issued an arrest warrant against Putin and a Russian lady for "illegally" kidnapping and expatriating children, but these were kids from The Donbass where a referendum led to the accession of the area to the RF. The children were NOT expatriated because their home was a part of Russia, not Ukraine. Thanks for your help.

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Could you actually include the section you refer to please? As I was in Donbass for the referendum and I talked about my experience with the refugees from the region, I think it's clear I don't support the Western narratives. Help me out, it's a long article.

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They suffer violations and abuses of their rights, including being forced to relinquish their Ukrainian identity and participate in Russia-centric education. Neil Holland

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And what do I say next? I am repeating what Holland said, for emphasis because it's so blatantly manipulative 🤷‍♀️I didn't realise it needed explanation.

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What you don't understand Vanessa, is that Prince Andrew (yuck!) has his "needs":


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What does making fun of a terrible event reveal about you?

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