Very enlightening conversations. My only complaint is that a speaker offers one sweeping generalization: the Vatican is in cahoots with Israel. It's unfair. I wished he also mentioned that Pope Francis is one of the first leaders to call for and still is calling for peace in Holy Land. He should read this


and this


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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Author

There was the Oslo agreement—so clear—with the solution of the two states. Until that agreement is applied, true peace remains distant."

Oslo agreement was a total betrayal of the Palestinian cause. Two state solution is a British Zionist concept that was nothing more than a political mirage always doomed to failure. I have covered that a number of times here at my Substack.

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Perhaps read this? A letter from a humble Syrian catholic priest written in 2019 to Pope Francis. Abuna Zahlahoui has written hundreds of letters since the dirty war against Syria began in 2011 begging for intervention and support from the Vatican while Western powers released terrorist forces to massacre and displace Syrian Christians of all denominations. Not one single letter waa ever answered and the Vatican publicly supported the anti Syria messaging emanating from the West and Israel etc. The Vatican, to this day, has done NOTHING to support the people of Syria. https://syriasupportmovement.org/2019/10/12/open-letter-from-a-syrian-priest-to-pope-francis/

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"On 7 September 2013, Pope Francis announced what we remember today as the first Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace “in the beloved Syrian nation, in the Middle East, throughout the world!”


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