Jul 18Liked by vanessa beeley

Do not feel well enough yet to comment much but thought you should know, Donald Trump has the Bavarian Jewish bloodline which is why he married a Jew, his daughter was bought up in Jewish faith and is how she married Jared Kushner so easily.

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Yes am aware but limited time on the news program 🙃 hope you are feeling better soon 🙏

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BTW re "Elections" pantomimes; Biden, Trump & Robert F Kennedy Jnr have all come out recently and attested to being 300% Pro-Israel and for more support for Israel ie Money, arms & political cover. From the perspective of the public seeing & knowing what is indisputably an ongoing genocide being committed by Isreal, it is almost impossible for me/us to believe "the system" hasn't been completely overtaken with outrageous immorality & evil. And as such, any chat about "Right v. Left" or "Lib/Lab" etc is preposterous ...when will everyone wake up & realise what is OBVIOUS... the power & the agenda are coming from higher up the food chain than politics. Seems to me the crucial point that needs to be made is "If you can print as much money as you like, and counterfeit money legally who controls the Government" (A quote I once observed). ...& of course it follows nearly everything else related to power & propaganda.

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“Secret Service deliberately failed to protect Trump” – Scott Ritter -- OUTSTANDING and fairly definitive !!

(ordered by “establishment” – which remember includes GOP RINOs which are majority Rs in both Senate and Congress)


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Ritter is too much jingoistic MAGA and not enough objectivity for me. America first equates to a continuation of US hegemony.

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On this we disagree — Scott is anything but “jingoistic” — he is well trained in analyzing facts and modifying position as new facts emerge.

He served three years for FBI fabrications after proving WMD lies before Iraq invasion.

He was the first who unmasked Nazi massacres in Bucha and accused Biden for whitewashing that early horror.

On Hamas heroic and well executed attack he is impeccable.

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It's fine to disagree.

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Of course. I am still curious about dismissing noble and courageous Scott Ritter as "jingoistic".

I know and admire Scott's activities for years -- there is nothing in him that is even remotely chauvinistic (i.e., extremely nationalistic).

From a dictionary: Jingoistic refers to an extreme or aggressive form of nationalism or patriotism, often characterized by a belligerent attitude towards other countries. It is often associated with a blind belief in the superiority of one's own nation and a readiness to advocate for aggressive foreign policies, including the use of military force, to safeguard what are perceived as national interests.

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As I said. We disagree. My opinion is not going to change. I am not going to be drawn into a debate on my Substack. I will probably write something shortly.

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How heavy is my heart! How i pray your predictions are wrong, Vanessa...Why do i HOPE...that Trump, in some kind of strategic brilliance, is saving Israel for last, FINALLY TO EXPOSE...to America...(especially the deluded/deceived evangelicals) & the world...the 'Synagogue of Satan*'s' complicity in JFK's assassination & the 9/11 false flag tyranny? Alas, you point out such obvious arguments against this 'hope'...his Jewish family blood ties aside...Trump's taking out Iran's revered Gen. Soleimani & now the rumors circulating that IRAN was perhaps behind the assassination attempt against him??? Have difficulty letting go of the belief that ALL is 'Deep State'/*SoS machinations, and that once exposed, Trump will DISSOLVE U.S. hegemony to PARTNER with Putin & Xi (& Kim&Assad&IRAN???) to join in 'kumbaya' multi-polarity of global Peace(...including a ONE, democratic state solution in Palestine/Israel: 'The Holy Land', with Jerusalem as its INTERNATIONAL capital) & Prosperity! With bated breath...Always grateful for your reporting & insights...

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I used to think if it's love it won't work - practical. Wrong. Again.

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Excellent and courageous work yet again, thankyou very much Vanessa. Perhaps Sir Harold looked at the world from "The British Empire" perspective at the time to some degree ie "we are in charge & they just have to do what we say (or else!)" ..perhaps he thought if you show some decency & trustworthiness UK Foreign Policy will auger through better...., & perhaps he took the view the future the Empire would be better served by "friendship, trade & respect..trust".....If he did, looking at the UK today vis a vie "Countries that have been focused mainly on friendship & trade" it is a pretty safe bet from the from the perspective of the 99% he was perfectly correct. There is no doubt he would be astonished & extremely please at the brilliant and courageous work you have done over the past years I have know it. You have been right about everything as far as I can see so cheers from one reader. PS You have been supa-great on UK Col too...love you & Charles & Mike..what a trio!!

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