Oh, Vanessa, this is beyond horrible, and I commend Laurent Brayard for his courage, tenacity, and humanity in bringing it to light. As distressing as it is to hear this, I thank you for sharing it with us so that it might reach a wider audience. To think that this is what U.S. taxpayer dollars are now supporting at the expense of Americans who are being increasingly impoverished at home is blanket evidence that the world is being run by the criminally insane.
I dare say, that as a consequence of your erudite observation, one would need to assume that the unconfirmed reports of the US and about 17-18 other countries, supplying the Ukraine junta with billions of dollars of weapons of WARFARE to continue fighting, are ... unconfirmed. Indeed, the $40 BILLION worth, overwhelmingly just voted for by the US Congress is perhaps just 'hypothetical' bollocks and of no real consequence, etc. etc.
Also, the reality, I mean the opinion that the Ukrainian Junta have been shelling the people of the Luhansk and Donetsk region since 2014, is all just mere 'speculation' and the idea that you have your head buried up your clacker is mere conjecture. The reason the US and UK, et al are such bloody terrorist enclaves appeasing the filthy-rich barbarians in suits, is because of peeps who are always ready to defend the bloody indefensible.
Zelensky and his bosses and assortment of advisors have bannished ALL opposition to his dictatorial tyranny ... put that in your pipe-and-smoke ... The FUKUS and Israeli spearhead security details are notorious for ultra-sick methods of torture at 'black-sites' everywhere. They have been doing it for longer than one cares to remember. STOP excusing human depravity ...
Only discovered you today, Vanessa, after listening to your excellent Delingpod. Just read your superb Part 1 Substack. Incredible that every rabbit hole seems to lead to Rockefeller & Brzezinski. How much of our lives and the lives are people all over the world suffered as a result of their Trilateral Commission?
Far too much going on. We have 3 young children at home. I’d love to switch off from it all, but don’t want a life of total enslavement for our kids. The situation demands that we all do our bit equal to our resources. You’re certainly doing yours in exposing the evils of the West.
I wish more people would try to learn the truth. Here in the UK the Ukrainians are seen as the victims. No idea of history or reality..only years of misinformation. There is little, dare I say NO hope for humanity. How can this barbarism be funded by our governments, with our taxes. It beggars belief.
The areas Putin wants, Crimea and the Donbas land bridge, just happen to be where all the separatist are. What a coincidence. How lucky for Putin they just happen to be in the very areas he wants. How stupid do you think people are?
Great stuff, Vanessa. Here's an article I think you'll enjoy. One about how the U.S. uses #neonazis like Azov to topple governments, install puppet leaders, and fight proxy wars.
Unfortunately, Vanessa, nationalist extremists can be expected in Ukraine after what that country went through with the Holodomor. With large parts of their country severely depopulated during Stalin's synthetic famine, then forcefully repopulated through soviet times with plants from the country responsible for that famine, what can you expect but deep resentment among Ukrainians towards those planted people. With a certain element among that planted population seeking to isolate part of Ukraine and annex it to the country which inflicted the Holodomor on Ukraine, that resentment must fester among a minority of Ukrainians into extreme and inexcusably brutal responses but that remains an internal issue with which Ukrainians and the Ukraine government must deal and most certainly is none of Putin's business.
I should think that reasonable Ukrainians would welcome seeing:
•the descendants of planted Russians who just simply have to remain Russian step across the border back into Russia and
•the descendants of planted Russians, who wish to remain in Ukraine, integrate into Ukrainian society as resident immigrants.
LOL yeah ok, waiting for you to 100% verify every single mainstream report on Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Ecuador, Palestine. Waiting.
The difference is that the NATO media cartel is only amplifying one side of the atrocities and faking majority of those alleged to be committed by Russian forces.. even this video is suspect, a "recorded" conversation could be easily faked. It is not the professional gathering of testimony that Brayard has achieved by any stretch. I condemn atrocities committed by any side but it is a disgrace that Western media plays such a role in facilitating Nazi and Fascist crimes in Ukraine while expressing hypocritical outrage over alleged Russian "crimes" that are invariably debunked. Fact is this genocide against Russian speakers in Ukraine has been going on since 2014 and you forget conveniently the Odessa massacre and Mariupol massacre in the same year. In fact you forget the last 8 years and come up with one suspect YouTube video.
interesting and the source of this? ';That's the actual evidence of Russian soldiers torturing Ukrainian captives (even civilians). This phone conversation was intercepted by the
Defence Intelligence of Ukraine!'............. so its ukraine spooks sourcing this radio piece? i dont see any 'actual evidence' and spoofing a conversation has been known since early 200s when osama bin ladens voice appeared on audio after he died in december 2001. so im calling this fake information
Oh, Vanessa, this is beyond horrible, and I commend Laurent Brayard for his courage, tenacity, and humanity in bringing it to light. As distressing as it is to hear this, I thank you for sharing it with us so that it might reach a wider audience. To think that this is what U.S. taxpayer dollars are now supporting at the expense of Americans who are being increasingly impoverished at home is blanket evidence that the world is being run by the criminally insane.
imagine what EUROVISION would think if they became aware of these atrocities
Khaduri: You're absolutely correct.
I dare say, that as a consequence of your erudite observation, one would need to assume that the unconfirmed reports of the US and about 17-18 other countries, supplying the Ukraine junta with billions of dollars of weapons of WARFARE to continue fighting, are ... unconfirmed. Indeed, the $40 BILLION worth, overwhelmingly just voted for by the US Congress is perhaps just 'hypothetical' bollocks and of no real consequence, etc. etc.
Also, the reality, I mean the opinion that the Ukrainian Junta have been shelling the people of the Luhansk and Donetsk region since 2014, is all just mere 'speculation' and the idea that you have your head buried up your clacker is mere conjecture. The reason the US and UK, et al are such bloody terrorist enclaves appeasing the filthy-rich barbarians in suits, is because of peeps who are always ready to defend the bloody indefensible.
Zelensky and his bosses and assortment of advisors have bannished ALL opposition to his dictatorial tyranny ... put that in your pipe-and-smoke ... The FUKUS and Israeli spearhead security details are notorious for ultra-sick methods of torture at 'black-sites' everywhere. They have been doing it for longer than one cares to remember. STOP excusing human depravity ...
Only discovered you today, Vanessa, after listening to your excellent Delingpod. Just read your superb Part 1 Substack. Incredible that every rabbit hole seems to lead to Rockefeller & Brzezinski. How much of our lives and the lives are people all over the world suffered as a result of their Trilateral Commission?
Thank you!! I need to work on Part 2 but so much going on, it is hard to keep up!
Far too much going on. We have 3 young children at home. I’d love to switch off from it all, but don’t want a life of total enslavement for our kids. The situation demands that we all do our bit equal to our resources. You’re certainly doing yours in exposing the evils of the West.
Thank you, much appreciated and nice to meet someone who understands what is happening x
Knew you were a good ‘un when I read your Wikipedia entry. Anyone who has earned the “conspiracy theorist” accolade deserves to be read.
Thankyou Laurent & Vanessa & all....heroic work & I hope many will share this storey.
I wish more people would try to learn the truth. Here in the UK the Ukrainians are seen as the victims. No idea of history or reality..only years of misinformation. There is little, dare I say NO hope for humanity. How can this barbarism be funded by our governments, with our taxes. It beggars belief.
Almost two years on, and nothing has changed. Thinking of Gonzalo Lira - be careful out there, Vanessa. 🙏
Thank you Vanessa. Harrowing read, but at least I know now and understand.
The areas Putin wants, Crimea and the Donbas land bridge, just happen to be where all the separatist are. What a coincidence. How lucky for Putin they just happen to be in the very areas he wants. How stupid do you think people are?
Great stuff, Vanessa. Here's an article I think you'll enjoy. One about how the U.S. uses #neonazis like Azov to topple governments, install puppet leaders, and fight proxy wars.
Unfortunately, Vanessa, nationalist extremists can be expected in Ukraine after what that country went through with the Holodomor. With large parts of their country severely depopulated during Stalin's synthetic famine, then forcefully repopulated through soviet times with plants from the country responsible for that famine, what can you expect but deep resentment among Ukrainians towards those planted people. With a certain element among that planted population seeking to isolate part of Ukraine and annex it to the country which inflicted the Holodomor on Ukraine, that resentment must fester among a minority of Ukrainians into extreme and inexcusably brutal responses but that remains an internal issue with which Ukrainians and the Ukraine government must deal and most certainly is none of Putin's business.
I should think that reasonable Ukrainians would welcome seeing:
•the descendants of planted Russians who just simply have to remain Russian step across the border back into Russia and
•the descendants of planted Russians, who wish to remain in Ukraine, integrate into Ukrainian society as resident immigrants.
Nice dress up of Nazi ethnic cleansing pogroms
Get out of Ukraine, Russkies and you will be fine.... Stay and suffer !
Yet you are happy with NATO occupation and empowerment of Nazism
actualoly the people mostly suffering are the Donbass natives and have for 7 years. They want the torturers whove invaded their regiojn to leave
LOL yeah ok, waiting for you to 100% verify every single mainstream report on Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Ecuador, Palestine. Waiting.
Translation: I only believe reports that support my team!
I suppose you do the same with pro-Western sources, too?
while reports by western media thousaqnds of miles away is trustworthy? or the kiev press ?
I don't think this mor... should be banned for his/her trolling stupidity ... leave their comment ... give them more rope.
I ban bot accounts. No point. He had zero content.
The difference is that the NATO media cartel is only amplifying one side of the atrocities and faking majority of those alleged to be committed by Russian forces.. even this video is suspect, a "recorded" conversation could be easily faked. It is not the professional gathering of testimony that Brayard has achieved by any stretch. I condemn atrocities committed by any side but it is a disgrace that Western media plays such a role in facilitating Nazi and Fascist crimes in Ukraine while expressing hypocritical outrage over alleged Russian "crimes" that are invariably debunked. Fact is this genocide against Russian speakers in Ukraine has been going on since 2014 and you forget conveniently the Odessa massacre and Mariupol massacre in the same year. In fact you forget the last 8 years and come up with one suspect YouTube video.
russian forces arent committing atrocities. Bucha was carried out by Ukraine National police Safari units
interesting and the source of this? ';That's the actual evidence of Russian soldiers torturing Ukrainian captives (even civilians). This phone conversation was intercepted by the
Defence Intelligence of Ukraine!'............. so its ukraine spooks sourcing this radio piece? i dont see any 'actual evidence' and spoofing a conversation has been known since early 200s when osama bin ladens voice appeared on audio after he died in december 2001. so im calling this fake information