Vanessa's point about the cultural influences among the oligarch class is well taken, and without doubt a consideration. So, our presumption that it is the oh so familiar Anglo axis that is entirely in charge, is false. I think it fair to say however, that sorting out the different motivations and priorities of these billionaires and powerbrokers is complex in the extreme, so a healthy skepticism in all cases is a good idea.

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Perhaps, but have not people of all cultures have lived happily together for 1,000's of yrs? I suppose cultural figures/leaders are also bought and used as cat's-paws to divide and hatred is deliberately fostered. People get hoodwinked fighting for cultural turfs rather than focusing on the true "war engineering" and wrongdoers. I think we need to look at who is really starting each particular War. eg US/Ukraine. There are the folks who really start a war and those public are told started that war. Figures are "used" as "cultural" puppets" & proxies by war profiteers. Take India? Always follow the money. Who is paying for the supplies? Who refuses to negotiate? A quote I once saw- "The whole show is based on murder, theft and deception".

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In answer to your first question, no. Please look again at history and who fomented those cultural divisions.

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The simple points I think that needs to be made ad infinitum is all folks ought to focus on Human Rights alone for all folks (not "cultural divisions" and other false dichotomies). And sounds facile, but as the saying goes "injustice to anyone anywhere is a threat to justice for everyone everywhere".

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That is the point being made,.....people of all cultures do live together happily ...until the division & violence is fomented.

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Richard Solomon Article on Unz Review:- “Whatever one thinks of 2022 America, or how we got here, one thing is undeniable- Rothschild Zionists (aka neocons) currently run the empire”.


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