Thank you for this informative discussion. I keep in mind that Trump really is a "loose cannon" so there is a vague hope that he might put an end to these wars. Also that if he or any of his allies were to say anything against the Zionists at this point in the game, they would certainly lose. There is no way you can win an election in the US if you do that. We saw congress standing up for Netanyahu like a bunch of clapping seals.

At the same time, the issues the compromised food and of the "products that must not be named" and the mass poisoning of populations is not trivial. I work with chronically ill, neurologically damaged people. Their suffering is acute and there are a whole lot of them. The same "blob" that is pursuing the carnage of the wars, is sowing poison and reaping profit from many populations. Even the population of Israel itself.

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Trump really isn't a "loose cannon". He's a corrupt businessman, probably deeply compromised by Epstein who literally does not have a clue about politics and is easily controlled. That's from insiders. Sorry for the pin in the balloon but we all need to start abandoning the decisions about our futures to these billionaire club class morons and psychopaths. 🙏 And de-Zionise the planet.

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Trump is part of US political theatre neither the saviour nor the new Hitler. I liked when he talked about the endless, senseless wars or -in 2016- that Palestinians were dealt with unfairly. Vanesse, you are realistic about him and remind us that hope is not a political strategy but both seduction and human response.

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Yes. You are probably right. It is just a "vague hope" as I said. This election is not going to provide any opportunities to de-Zionise anything, though.

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Was it worth it, dressing attractively? Implies the act of aggression of the Sodomite was in the control of the victim’s actions. This does nothing to access the guilt of the aggressor who is the responsible rapist. The self respect of dressing attractively is just like the self respect of taking a stand for one’s rights in not being raped by a European invasion of people bent on the rape, pillage, and plundering of a land filled with peaceful people, who for being peaceful are not inviting their own abuse. I agree completely with Syrian Girl on the inappropriate implication of the question that implies shame and responsibility for the terrorizing state equivalent to a modern form of Sodom and Gomorrah. We in the west have been rationalizing the rape of Palestine and Palestinians for eighty years, and we in the European empire are bribing people to accept the ongoing pillage and plunder of a people using money laundering of tax dollars paid Israel that is paid back to politicians and MSM for turning a blind eye to the abuse of genocide in the wake of ethnic cleansing. In addition to rationalizing violence, politicians are arming the lawless terrorist state. Wealth and wealth inequality legitimizes all of this rape culture that we are witnessing. Colonial rule by violent occupation needs to stop being fueled by limitless wealth acquisition. Great show, and is a very necessary conversation that I repetitively see brought up by those whose minds are occupied by the misinformation fed to them.

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