Vanessa, Kennedy’s actions here do not surprise anyone who has followed his public stance of consistently supporting or condoning the Israeli government no matter what atrocities they commit. Governments everywhere are legal murder machines and Kennedy’s family has long been part of them.
“The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you. The mass belief in the general beneficence of democracy represents a kind of Stockholm syndrome writ large. We shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the state.” Robert Higgs
The cabal is sacrificing both Israeli's and Palestinians you fool. Have you no sense of the history since Babylon? They never allowed a peaceful solution and never will. They'll let the citizens of Israel be sacrificed just like the Palestinians and you're falling for the con. Vanessa is also. They backed the Nazis and you think they care about the people of Israel?
Again, you make no sense. You seem to think only you know what is going on with the world and the Cabal. Get your face out of your mirror and look at this article which is what I am addressing and you should be too. The issue is RFK Jr’s backing the Israeli government and its terrorism tactics against the Palestinians and the immorality of that is what Vanessa is addressing. Grow up, and hold politicians everywhere responsible for their initiating/condoning violence in the name of their political peace.
Such a statement demands evidence. The cabal are destroying both Palestinians and the Jewish people. They are tools for them and have been for decades. Are you that naive? They will sacrifice anyone, any religion, any ethnicity for their power. Kennedy knows that and you don't?
Gayle, by the “statement demands evidence”, I guess you are referring to my “Kennedy’s actions here do not surprise anyone who has followed his public stance of consistently supporting or condoning the Israeli government no matter what atrocities they commit”?
reporting on the Israeli atrocities convinced you of the evil of the Israeli government?
And I infer you think the “Cabal” (Zionist and other Global Predators?) are, in terms of the Israeli terrorist war against Palestine, destroying the Jews and the Arabs both and somehow RFK Jr knows this and…???
It is obvious to me that far more Palestinians are being injured and killed than Jewish citizens.
And somehow, RFK Jr knows about the Cabal and is doing his best to combat it by backing the Israeli government in their Palestinian pogrom?
You do not make any sense to me, clarify yourself.
But what I can gather from your scattered thinking is you like RFK Jr and his backing the Israeli government?
Someone's got it wrong. Who? Kennedy is willing to directly place the largest criminal network in our country on trial, out in the open but for money would pander and lie about this? I think there's more to all of this. As he said on Dore the term the Benjamins is truly offensive.
Again, your writing is a confusing mix of ideas and I have to guess at your meanings. RFK Jr “would pander and lie about this?”—what is THIS? Vanessa’s article and my comments are about him condoning and supporting the racist Israeli government’s immoral, vicious attacks on innocent Palestinians. THAT IS THE ISSUE. Do you agree with RFK Jr and also condone and support these legal murderers? End of discussion.
I was very impressed w/RFK's voice on big pharma, censorship, and the US empire, but there was always something nagging in the back of my head (red flags were that he chose to run in the Democrat party which is corrupted to the core, and that he raised his son to think that fighting in the Ukr legion was a good idea). Now I am SO glad I never sent a dime to this POS. Funny how intuition works...
"Britain's - and later America's- drive to conquest was foreshadowed unmistakably by Mackinder's cursory yet almost oracular mention of the several bridgeheads that the Sea Powers need to graft unto the heartland to draw out its armies in a deliberate sequence of separate clashes. To isolate each conflict, the targeted territorial portion had to be severed from its adjacent district, and bled white by prolonged strife waged in the name of political, religious, or ethnic diversity. Thus the Anglo-Americans have always acted: in Europe by spinning everybody against Germany (1904-45); in the Near East, by jamming Israel in the heart of the Arab world (1917-present); in the Far East, by planting thorns in the side of China: Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan (1950-present); in Central Asia by destabilizing the entire region into tribal warfare with the help of Pakistan to prevent the Caspian seaboard from gravitating into the Russian sphere of influence (1979-present).
... Imperial stratagems are protracted affairs. The captains of world aggression measure their achievements, or failures, on a timescale whose unit is the generation. -- Guido Preparata, Conjuring Hitler, pg. 16
That's my theory. His views on foreign policy and the MIC are excellent, with the ONE exception of Israel. And the fact that EVERY U.S. president has supported Israel makes it seem like there's definitely more going on than meets the eye.
No because Israel stole the documents from USA and got their own European Zionists who moved to Israel to build the Nuclear. I was a documentary about this but have not saved it to share.
“A campaign that began as a defiant broadside against the war state and censorship industrial complex has suddenly pivoted to a bellicose exercise in pandering to rich Likudniks who seek war with Iran, the permanent violent warehousing of Palestinians and the criminalization of activism that challenges Israeli apartheid.”
Wow. You either don't know your history or you are purposefully ignoring it. The cabal!!!! remember them, have used Israel and Palestinians forever. The grotesque abuse of both sides of this conflict is from them. Why aren't you talking about that? Placing saboteurs on both sides is their game and you are somehow forgetting that? Talk about that Vanessa. It's a history as old as time and they are happy to sacrifice the Jewish community and have for decades along with the Palestinians and you think it isn't coming from the same place? C'mon. No surprise that the RFK Jr. attacks are all coming out at once, or is it? His polling never higher. Convince me I am wrong. I pose direct questions and even all your great prior journalism doesn't exempt you from a thing. Are they sacrificing the state of Israel and Palestine and have done it for decades because they could? You bet.
I had great hopes for RFK Jnr, but on the Israel/Palestine issue I am horrified. He is married to a Jewess, who apparently hates conflict. Not good enough! He needs to be educated!
Trump, on the other side, is also deeply conflicted on the Jewish/Palestinian conflict.
I think most Americans are. And now I find, to my horror, that my sister, who has a son in America, is now a Zionist Christian. She tells me that Palestinians are somehow incapable of love, so that’s their problem? OMG! America needs a huge wake up call.
Thank you, Vanessa, for all you do. It is appreciated.
Why post under my comment and not address the huge, in your face truth about what I said and what we are dealing with? Don't waste our time. Mentioning the ridiculous and weak comment about RFK Jr's wife was offensive. "A Jewess?" Some thread seems to run in your family. You and Vanessa need to know your history. They play both sides and the cabal would love to read your comment showing pure denial on how they are orchestrating this.
Perhaps RFK Jr. has yet to read Michael Collins Piper's investigative masterpiece on JFK's assassination, Final Judgment...For all the great advocacy he does, one can't help but wonder if Israel-firsters hold him, like they do most of our country, too, hostage.
Another Kennedy is the present US ambassador to Australala while Kevin Rudd who if you remember was unceremoniously removed in a US orchestrated inner party coup yet became Australala's ambassador to the US. - go figure.
I’m still standing with RFK Jr. He might be hob nobbing the rich Jews because he got slammed for his quite last week about the Covid virus targeting different races and he knows he can’t win the democrat nomination without the fucking Jews support.
The change that everyone is yearning for won't come to fruition by throwing one's support behind yet another pointless farcical chair dance courtesy of the corporately controlled duopoly.
As the video's in this article have revealed.....RFK jr self destructed.
I think they are not views, they are a lifelong ideology. So, no he will not change. This is not only about Palestine. Israel impacts on every aspect of domestic and foreign policy in the US.
And her influence has been what? It is all optics. I don't believe that the division is that family is what they say. I believe they know to hide it and do we really need to read off the names of the victims to show you why?
Are you that naive that you don't know that saboteurs have been placed on both sides as the cabal has done all over the world and for centuries? I don't think so, so why are you ignoring this fact? The cabal do as they always do, sacrifice both, all, whether it be Palestinians or Jewish population. They do not care about any of them. Please. Talk about the cabal at the centre of all of these operations. That who is running this. It isn't Israel or Netty at all and you must know that.
Are you that behind the times that you don't listen to what I have been saying for years? As you entered this conversation with such an accusation I am not inclined to spend energy replying. I have called out the "saboteurs" many times including the Palestinian factions deployed to destabilise Syria for decades.
Gayle, because the power brokers you refer to as the cabal only motivated by GEC, Greed, Ego and Corruption are working all sides against each other, we all need to recognise that ,as you point out. We all need work around that and consider them as common enemy. Unfortunately people who evolved differently have different motivations when trying to survive life. Therefore we must put your cabal interference to one side and work out how to satisfy your supposed enemies problems. If you that you will resolve your own. Be strong!
My focus on comments is about the ripping apart of the best candidate we've seen in decades by someone who should know better. You want me to consider how to satisfy my enemies problems? If you could be more specific that may be helpful but no, solving the problems of a very sick cadre of individuals isn't my focus. I understand these children of these families were abused. I understand they are still human but I assure you they have no intention of considering .......ever......anything but the destruction they've planned and as a grown adult we better face it head on and we are. I have no ugly vengeance in my heart but we will so what we must to protect our children and that is where they overstepped. They came for them.
Gayle! As I stated I agree that the so called cabal are working one against the other. Evolution gave in-site and careful consideration to some more than others. Most do not look outside the circle and react to an equal and opposite action, which is what is happening in Israel / Palestine. Since 1948, 75 years they still through stones at each other, never trying to understand the other. Me I am a devout atheist of Jewish background. I went to Church school as a boarder. All went to church on Sunday with the rest of the boys.My father as a jew was asked If Ishould be exempt and said no. I was a very poor student not doing well, no university degree. But I did pass with honours a course in Street Smart. I have seen the worst of humanity, being a Vietnam veteran (Australian). When I started a business in 77 I went to china. I always looked at how they did things and suggested ways they could improve to their benefit, before I focused on my needs. I gained greatly from this policy. If I had just demanded what I wanted it would be like the Palestine Israeli war and achieve nothing.
We saw over the last 3 years how most in the west followed the cabal direction to their disadvantage, millions have unnecessarily died and there will be more to come. I took the opposite rout studied the science am un vaxed and have benefited while watching so much harm to others.
I have watched Kennedy and like what he is doing, I am a right side of the fence voter but in the middle. Lets get rid of part politics.
We must allow people to be critical of others, Kennedy, no one is perfect. His choice of words and his reaction could have been much better. Its hard to satisfy the reactionaries on both sides. Unfortunately most are reactionary critical rather than considering and delving. I think that is what you are reacting to.
Just remember most people are not street smart, they only think of them selves.
As much as the political process is broken, I agree with Caitlin Johnstone that if public opnion didn't matter, the Hegemony wouldn't spend vast sums to control public opinion. What we believe, value and understand both collectively and individually matters greatly.
Ok so you rip Bob a new one and then your very next cross post, cock up or conspiracy, reference his work. Could it be he is human after all?
The internet demands that we destroy any one even approaching ethical behavior, as evil.
Seems inevitable that all our new heroes will be AI generated and those truly psychopathic be given the benefit of the doubt. I.e., having ridden the Lolita express, is now a kind of badge of honor and a guilty plea, at the same time.
Still would much rather see what Bob has in store for us than more of the same. Do we need even more of Debbie WS does eugenics. Or Bill "cures" malaria.
The Palestinians will in the end prevail, or die trying. Their fate is certainly more honorable than standing in line to get a shot that will kill you, or designing and marketing that shot.
This is a big topic, thanks for at least starting a talk. Seems those who would not sell out, never get the offer to do so. Weird world we have. references CHD. Look I have read your stuff for a long time, could not even bring myself to watch the links you provided. He is kind of my last hope for America.
Figure you are probably right, as usual, and it's hi time I got off this continent and move to somewhere less screwed up. The gap between our 'morality' and reality is just too far.
At the same time how does one win an election without the support of our true 'leaders'? At a lo ebb right lately, maybe it's past time for me to just shut up.
That is obscure LOL - the article is by Dr Piers Robinson who linked to CHD. I think that is called grasping at straws ;-) Sorry to pop another balloon but I firmly believe that balloon popping is very necessary these days - there are no saviours on the horizon. I am sorry you are at a low ebb, it will pass, always does. Keep fighting xx
My belief is our salvation requires a renewed sense of informed community. Key bit is knowing psychopath tricks and stop honoring their insolent, smug nonsense. Did not mean to put a fly in your ointment, just struck me as ironic. Followed the Syrian stuff pretty close, ex military. Felt like I should go there and work like a dog to try to make some restitution for the damage my country has done. Saw the Vanity Fair video and the Assad's seemed as honorable as any. The folks who produced that video sure show a genuine hypocrisy.
Very conciliatory, its so frustrating when there is so much injustice caused by Greed, Ego and Corruption. I am in Australia, just the same. Unfortunately there is no were to escape to.
She didn't start the topic, she ripped him to shreds. Somehow she miraculously forgets that the cabal would never ever allow a solution two state or one for Israel. The whole state was set up to be used, abused and now the cabal is happily sacrificing both sides. Do you get it? At some point they will be forced to join BRICS as have Saudi Arabia and Iran (they just made peace!!!!) because they know their countries, families and everything will be stolen from them under the NWO. Just like your's is right now.
It's gratifying being a guy women are comfortable yelling at. To a point.
One of my theories holds that the cabal is selectively eliminating those willing to take any old shot, they insist be taken. Yes people rarely overcome the resistance new ideas generate in status quo bureaucracies, so they shut up and stop having ideas. The cabal wants smart wolves, not dumb sheep. They seem to be investing in better controls.
So Israel having one of the highest vaccine uptakes surprised me, at the same time what you are saying, fills in a gap. They have an instinct for survival that has failed them with the new crowd.
Another gap exists in how it is Zelenskyy is run by oligarchs who are both ostensibly Jewish and the owners of Nazi militias. Like a 20 year old's sudden death, just a coincidence? Like the Palestinians having the most Jesus DNA of any race.
Visited Bahai shrines, loved Arabs, Jews eh, not so much. Did not like being screamed at for trying to be friendly. At least no one shot me in the knees, yet.
Don't be that guy. Women don't want that guy. They want real men with real morals and grounding that projects that no one can shake their core. The cabal has no allegiance to any form of government. The use any form that keeps them in power and always through fear and intimidation. These are the weakest and most cowardice people on the planet. I feel for them. They are scared, abused and have their orders to literally kill, cull and neutralise without conscience. All populations are good. Majority of the people of the world are good. If there is hate in any of their hearts it is because it was poison put in them, and not innate or from within them.
Well it's a bit late now. My core has been shaken and weak women who pander to me and swoon over flowers are not my cup of tea. Agree with most of your cabal observations, but my empathy goes elsewhere. The computer seems a rather serious game changer when it comes to injecting hate into society. Our most serious threat is loneliness. That it is so common means divide and conquer has never worked so well as now!
“There are no sovereign western nations, nor militaries: it’s NATO, CIA/MI6/Mossad Military Industrial Complex, a front for the Banker Anthropologists who call the shots under Maritime Law.”-Juxtaposition 1:
As a US Voter, I look at positions on foreign policy first and last in Federal elections. I won't vote for a pro-Hegemony candidate. Period. It's a futile effort (in part because candidates make you dig to uncover their actual positions), but at least its a decision procedure I can live with. Thanks for this post as I was just starting to look at RFK Jr (I read his book on Fauci). as a possible candidate to support in the primary. There's still Cornel West, but I haven't done due diligence on him.
Funny how people who hate our tax dollars helping the poor stay silent when big business gets massive amounts of money in tax breaks and subsidies. I’d rather help the poor than the rich assholes. Poor people don’t have the same breaks as rich people do. In other words the rich get their boots handed to them and poor people don’t. So they don’t have ways to pull themselves up by their bootstraps as people expect them to do.
Vanessa, Kennedy’s actions here do not surprise anyone who has followed his public stance of consistently supporting or condoning the Israeli government no matter what atrocities they commit. Governments everywhere are legal murder machines and Kennedy’s family has long been part of them.
“The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you. The mass belief in the general beneficence of democracy represents a kind of Stockholm syndrome writ large. We shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the state.” Robert Higgs
Get free, stay safe.
The cabal is sacrificing both Israeli's and Palestinians you fool. Have you no sense of the history since Babylon? They never allowed a peaceful solution and never will. They'll let the citizens of Israel be sacrificed just like the Palestinians and you're falling for the con. Vanessa is also. They backed the Nazis and you think they care about the people of Israel?
Again, you make no sense. You seem to think only you know what is going on with the world and the Cabal. Get your face out of your mirror and look at this article which is what I am addressing and you should be too. The issue is RFK Jr’s backing the Israeli government and its terrorism tactics against the Palestinians and the immorality of that is what Vanessa is addressing. Grow up, and hold politicians everywhere responsible for their initiating/condoning violence in the name of their political peace.
Such a statement demands evidence. The cabal are destroying both Palestinians and the Jewish people. They are tools for them and have been for decades. Are you that naive? They will sacrifice anyone, any religion, any ethnicity for their power. Kennedy knows that and you don't?
Gayle, by the “statement demands evidence”, I guess you are referring to my “Kennedy’s actions here do not surprise anyone who has followed his public stance of consistently supporting or condoning the Israeli government no matter what atrocities they commit”?
I am not sure exactly what you are referring to?
Has not Vanessa’s (and Robert Inlakesh’s—both found on The Last American Vagabond )
reporting on the Israeli atrocities convinced you of the evil of the Israeli government?
And I infer you think the “Cabal” (Zionist and other Global Predators?) are, in terms of the Israeli terrorist war against Palestine, destroying the Jews and the Arabs both and somehow RFK Jr knows this and…???
It is obvious to me that far more Palestinians are being injured and killed than Jewish citizens.
And somehow, RFK Jr knows about the Cabal and is doing his best to combat it by backing the Israeli government in their Palestinian pogrom?
You do not make any sense to me, clarify yourself.
But what I can gather from your scattered thinking is you like RFK Jr and his backing the Israeli government?
Get free, stay safe.
Someone's got it wrong. Who? Kennedy is willing to directly place the largest criminal network in our country on trial, out in the open but for money would pander and lie about this? I think there's more to all of this. As he said on Dore the term the Benjamins is truly offensive.
Again, your writing is a confusing mix of ideas and I have to guess at your meanings. RFK Jr “would pander and lie about this?”—what is THIS? Vanessa’s article and my comments are about him condoning and supporting the racist Israeli government’s immoral, vicious attacks on innocent Palestinians. THAT IS THE ISSUE. Do you agree with RFK Jr and also condone and support these legal murderers? End of discussion.
I was very impressed w/RFK's voice on big pharma, censorship, and the US empire, but there was always something nagging in the back of my head (red flags were that he chose to run in the Democrat party which is corrupted to the core, and that he raised his son to think that fighting in the Ukr legion was a good idea). Now I am SO glad I never sent a dime to this POS. Funny how intuition works...
He discouraged his son from goin to fight in Ukraine , his son told him after he enlisted that he was going.
"Britain's - and later America's- drive to conquest was foreshadowed unmistakably by Mackinder's cursory yet almost oracular mention of the several bridgeheads that the Sea Powers need to graft unto the heartland to draw out its armies in a deliberate sequence of separate clashes. To isolate each conflict, the targeted territorial portion had to be severed from its adjacent district, and bled white by prolonged strife waged in the name of political, religious, or ethnic diversity. Thus the Anglo-Americans have always acted: in Europe by spinning everybody against Germany (1904-45); in the Near East, by jamming Israel in the heart of the Arab world (1917-present); in the Far East, by planting thorns in the side of China: Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan (1950-present); in Central Asia by destabilizing the entire region into tribal warfare with the help of Pakistan to prevent the Caspian seaboard from gravitating into the Russian sphere of influence (1979-present).
... Imperial stratagems are protracted affairs. The captains of world aggression measure their achievements, or failures, on a timescale whose unit is the generation. -- Guido Preparata, Conjuring Hitler, pg. 16
Vanessa, do they (Israel, Mossad, Black Cube?) have kompromat on him?
That's my theory. His views on foreign policy and the MIC are excellent, with the ONE exception of Israel. And the fact that EVERY U.S. president has supported Israel makes it seem like there's definitely more going on than meets the eye.
Now in my understandings of the world, when I see Zombie like behavior, I look for the bokor.
Teresa...lift that heavy ass weight and find out!
Probably Israeli intelligence?
At least confined to this particular vignette.
If you want to discuss whether this is itself a zombie for RAWD Bokor, sure...
JFK didn't support Israeli ambitions to build nuclear weapons.
No because Israel stole the documents from USA and got their own European Zionists who moved to Israel to build the Nuclear. I was a documentary about this but have not saved it to share.
That could be true however it doesn't mean that JFK approved of their Nuclear ambitions.
Be interesting to see that doco do you remember the title?
“A campaign that began as a defiant broadside against the war state and censorship industrial complex has suddenly pivoted to a bellicose exercise in pandering to rich Likudniks who seek war with Iran, the permanent violent warehousing of Palestinians and the criminalization of activism that challenges Israeli apartheid.”
Great quote, sums up the situation exactly!
Wow. You either don't know your history or you are purposefully ignoring it. The cabal!!!! remember them, have used Israel and Palestinians forever. The grotesque abuse of both sides of this conflict is from them. Why aren't you talking about that? Placing saboteurs on both sides is their game and you are somehow forgetting that? Talk about that Vanessa. It's a history as old as time and they are happy to sacrifice the Jewish community and have for decades along with the Palestinians and you think it isn't coming from the same place? C'mon. No surprise that the RFK Jr. attacks are all coming out at once, or is it? His polling never higher. Convince me I am wrong. I pose direct questions and even all your great prior journalism doesn't exempt you from a thing. Are they sacrificing the state of Israel and Palestine and have done it for decades because they could? You bet.
I had great hopes for RFK Jnr, but on the Israel/Palestine issue I am horrified. He is married to a Jewess, who apparently hates conflict. Not good enough! He needs to be educated!
Trump, on the other side, is also deeply conflicted on the Jewish/Palestinian conflict.
I think most Americans are. And now I find, to my horror, that my sister, who has a son in America, is now a Zionist Christian. She tells me that Palestinians are somehow incapable of love, so that’s their problem? OMG! America needs a huge wake up call.
Thank you, Vanessa, for all you do. It is appreciated.
Why post under my comment and not address the huge, in your face truth about what I said and what we are dealing with? Don't waste our time. Mentioning the ridiculous and weak comment about RFK Jr's wife was offensive. "A Jewess?" Some thread seems to run in your family. You and Vanessa need to know your history. They play both sides and the cabal would love to read your comment showing pure denial on how they are orchestrating this.
What on earth are you talking about?
I don't need to repeat it. Your one line response clearly shows you've got nothing to say.
Perhaps RFK Jr. has yet to read Michael Collins Piper's investigative masterpiece on JFK's assassination, Final Judgment...For all the great advocacy he does, one can't help but wonder if Israel-firsters hold him, like they do most of our country, too, hostage.
Another Kennedy is the present US ambassador to Australala while Kevin Rudd who if you remember was unceremoniously removed in a US orchestrated inner party coup yet became Australala's ambassador to the US. - go figure.
Australian navy now under control of the US?
''Australia Agrees To Build US Missiles; US Dismisses Australian Concerns About Assange'' -
Looking like all politicy are selling us out.
I’m still standing with RFK Jr. He might be hob nobbing the rich Jews because he got slammed for his quite last week about the Covid virus targeting different races and he knows he can’t win the democrat nomination without the fucking Jews support.
Please don't claim to be a Palestine supporter then.
The change that everyone is yearning for won't come to fruition by throwing one's support behind yet another pointless farcical chair dance courtesy of the corporately controlled duopoly.
As the video's in this article have revealed.....RFK jr self destructed.
If he becomes president, do you think hi positions on Israel will change?
Trumps didn't but his worshipers just moved the goalpost.
I think they are not views, they are a lifelong ideology. So, no he will not change. This is not only about Palestine. Israel impacts on every aspect of domestic and foreign policy in the US.
And her influence has been what? It is all optics. I don't believe that the division is that family is what they say. I believe they know to hide it and do we really need to read off the names of the victims to show you why?
Are you that naive that you don't know that saboteurs have been placed on both sides as the cabal has done all over the world and for centuries? I don't think so, so why are you ignoring this fact? The cabal do as they always do, sacrifice both, all, whether it be Palestinians or Jewish population. They do not care about any of them. Please. Talk about the cabal at the centre of all of these operations. That who is running this. It isn't Israel or Netty at all and you must know that.
Are you that behind the times that you don't listen to what I have been saying for years? As you entered this conversation with such an accusation I am not inclined to spend energy replying. I have called out the "saboteurs" many times including the Palestinian factions deployed to destabilise Syria for decades.
Gayle, because the power brokers you refer to as the cabal only motivated by GEC, Greed, Ego and Corruption are working all sides against each other, we all need to recognise that ,as you point out. We all need work around that and consider them as common enemy. Unfortunately people who evolved differently have different motivations when trying to survive life. Therefore we must put your cabal interference to one side and work out how to satisfy your supposed enemies problems. If you that you will resolve your own. Be strong!
My focus on comments is about the ripping apart of the best candidate we've seen in decades by someone who should know better. You want me to consider how to satisfy my enemies problems? If you could be more specific that may be helpful but no, solving the problems of a very sick cadre of individuals isn't my focus. I understand these children of these families were abused. I understand they are still human but I assure you they have no intention of considering .......ever......anything but the destruction they've planned and as a grown adult we better face it head on and we are. I have no ugly vengeance in my heart but we will so what we must to protect our children and that is where they overstepped. They came for them.
Gayle! As I stated I agree that the so called cabal are working one against the other. Evolution gave in-site and careful consideration to some more than others. Most do not look outside the circle and react to an equal and opposite action, which is what is happening in Israel / Palestine. Since 1948, 75 years they still through stones at each other, never trying to understand the other. Me I am a devout atheist of Jewish background. I went to Church school as a boarder. All went to church on Sunday with the rest of the boys.My father as a jew was asked If Ishould be exempt and said no. I was a very poor student not doing well, no university degree. But I did pass with honours a course in Street Smart. I have seen the worst of humanity, being a Vietnam veteran (Australian). When I started a business in 77 I went to china. I always looked at how they did things and suggested ways they could improve to their benefit, before I focused on my needs. I gained greatly from this policy. If I had just demanded what I wanted it would be like the Palestine Israeli war and achieve nothing.
We saw over the last 3 years how most in the west followed the cabal direction to their disadvantage, millions have unnecessarily died and there will be more to come. I took the opposite rout studied the science am un vaxed and have benefited while watching so much harm to others.
I have watched Kennedy and like what he is doing, I am a right side of the fence voter but in the middle. Lets get rid of part politics.
We must allow people to be critical of others, Kennedy, no one is perfect. His choice of words and his reaction could have been much better. Its hard to satisfy the reactionaries on both sides. Unfortunately most are reactionary critical rather than considering and delving. I think that is what you are reacting to.
Just remember most people are not street smart, they only think of them selves.
Although I never had hope for a political solution to our problems, Kennedy did offer a breath of fresh air. Until this!
As much as the political process is broken, I agree with Caitlin Johnstone that if public opnion didn't matter, the Hegemony wouldn't spend vast sums to control public opinion. What we believe, value and understand both collectively and individually matters greatly.
Almost 20 years ago.
I think Professor Preparata is, as they say, over the target.
Ok so you rip Bob a new one and then your very next cross post, cock up or conspiracy, reference his work. Could it be he is human after all?
The internet demands that we destroy any one even approaching ethical behavior, as evil.
Seems inevitable that all our new heroes will be AI generated and those truly psychopathic be given the benefit of the doubt. I.e., having ridden the Lolita express, is now a kind of badge of honor and a guilty plea, at the same time.
Still would much rather see what Bob has in store for us than more of the same. Do we need even more of Debbie WS does eugenics. Or Bill "cures" malaria.
The Palestinians will in the end prevail, or die trying. Their fate is certainly more honorable than standing in line to get a shot that will kill you, or designing and marketing that shot.
This is a big topic, thanks for at least starting a talk. Seems those who would not sell out, never get the offer to do so. Weird world we have.
Show me where I have cross posted Kennedy. references CHD. Look I have read your stuff for a long time, could not even bring myself to watch the links you provided. He is kind of my last hope for America.
Figure you are probably right, as usual, and it's hi time I got off this continent and move to somewhere less screwed up. The gap between our 'morality' and reality is just too far.
At the same time how does one win an election without the support of our true 'leaders'? At a lo ebb right lately, maybe it's past time for me to just shut up.
That is obscure LOL - the article is by Dr Piers Robinson who linked to CHD. I think that is called grasping at straws ;-) Sorry to pop another balloon but I firmly believe that balloon popping is very necessary these days - there are no saviours on the horizon. I am sorry you are at a low ebb, it will pass, always does. Keep fighting xx
My belief is our salvation requires a renewed sense of informed community. Key bit is knowing psychopath tricks and stop honoring their insolent, smug nonsense. Did not mean to put a fly in your ointment, just struck me as ironic. Followed the Syrian stuff pretty close, ex military. Felt like I should go there and work like a dog to try to make some restitution for the damage my country has done. Saw the Vanity Fair video and the Assad's seemed as honorable as any. The folks who produced that video sure show a genuine hypocrisy.
Very conciliatory, its so frustrating when there is so much injustice caused by Greed, Ego and Corruption. I am in Australia, just the same. Unfortunately there is no were to escape to.
Just come to Canada, not!
She didn't start the topic, she ripped him to shreds. Somehow she miraculously forgets that the cabal would never ever allow a solution two state or one for Israel. The whole state was set up to be used, abused and now the cabal is happily sacrificing both sides. Do you get it? At some point they will be forced to join BRICS as have Saudi Arabia and Iran (they just made peace!!!!) because they know their countries, families and everything will be stolen from them under the NWO. Just like your's is right now.
It's gratifying being a guy women are comfortable yelling at. To a point.
One of my theories holds that the cabal is selectively eliminating those willing to take any old shot, they insist be taken. Yes people rarely overcome the resistance new ideas generate in status quo bureaucracies, so they shut up and stop having ideas. The cabal wants smart wolves, not dumb sheep. They seem to be investing in better controls.
So Israel having one of the highest vaccine uptakes surprised me, at the same time what you are saying, fills in a gap. They have an instinct for survival that has failed them with the new crowd.
Another gap exists in how it is Zelenskyy is run by oligarchs who are both ostensibly Jewish and the owners of Nazi militias. Like a 20 year old's sudden death, just a coincidence? Like the Palestinians having the most Jesus DNA of any race.
Visited Bahai shrines, loved Arabs, Jews eh, not so much. Did not like being screamed at for trying to be friendly. At least no one shot me in the knees, yet.
Don't be that guy. Women don't want that guy. They want real men with real morals and grounding that projects that no one can shake their core. The cabal has no allegiance to any form of government. The use any form that keeps them in power and always through fear and intimidation. These are the weakest and most cowardice people on the planet. I feel for them. They are scared, abused and have their orders to literally kill, cull and neutralise without conscience. All populations are good. Majority of the people of the world are good. If there is hate in any of their hearts it is because it was poison put in them, and not innate or from within them.
Well it's a bit late now. My core has been shaken and weak women who pander to me and swoon over flowers are not my cup of tea. Agree with most of your cabal observations, but my empathy goes elsewhere. The computer seems a rather serious game changer when it comes to injecting hate into society. Our most serious threat is loneliness. That it is so common means divide and conquer has never worked so well as now!
“There are no sovereign western nations, nor militaries: it’s NATO, CIA/MI6/Mossad Military Industrial Complex, a front for the Banker Anthropologists who call the shots under Maritime Law.”-Juxtaposition 1:
Well it certainly illustrates the old adage about you know who's in charge, by who you can't criticize.
It's downright depressing that our only currency seems to be hate. Proven by how often the most peaceful among us, wind up violently killed.
Without compromise with hate, one's fate, is not open to debate.
So Sundays message, there is no hope for us. Ah politics, no different than opium.
Agree. Sickening holy show :-(
Thank you for your fine work.
As a US Voter, I look at positions on foreign policy first and last in Federal elections. I won't vote for a pro-Hegemony candidate. Period. It's a futile effort (in part because candidates make you dig to uncover their actual positions), but at least its a decision procedure I can live with. Thanks for this post as I was just starting to look at RFK Jr (I read his book on Fauci). as a possible candidate to support in the primary. There's still Cornel West, but I haven't done due diligence on him.
Cornell west seriously taxpayers funded socialism give me a break
Funny how people who hate our tax dollars helping the poor stay silent when big business gets massive amounts of money in tax breaks and subsidies. I’d rather help the poor than the rich assholes. Poor people don’t have the same breaks as rich people do. In other words the rich get their boots handed to them and poor people don’t. So they don’t have ways to pull themselves up by their bootstraps as people expect them to do.
Bullshit the privilege that the left presents is the same privilege the wealthy Right presents...
Yeah okay except…huh? This isn’t a left/right position. It’s about which class people are in.
As noted, it's foreign policy for me. But dealing with the current system of socialism for the Bourgeoisie would be bonus.
Before voting dig, cross reference there are generally other facts that unpack the truth, which is always in hiding.😇