One is always left with a sense that we are nearing a watershed moment, that this can not go on for much longer but the depth of zionist depravity is almost matched in breadth of human greed and so we anquish over the bullys getting away with murder.

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Well said.

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What does the USA , Israel and the Kurds have in common it’s called hatred , terrorism , greed , and every thing evil which hopefully come to end asap or else we’re all who can afford live in underground like the Hamas freedom fighter do , don’t forget the world belongs to people not one or two countries know as Israel and America … the sooner we realize the better for the world so that we can enjoy other real people gift of living

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Your courage in documenting these irrational conflicts is stunning. Those martyrs that were pulverized at the school barely made a blip on the US Sunday talk shows. Britain is knee deep in racial and economic warfare that has Labour calling for arrests and jail to stymie the social media posts advocating anti-immigrant activities. Yet, full financial and military support is rushed to Israel's door. It defies rational thought...but I guess we've moved past that now. May Syria once again find peace, may Palestine survive and thrive some day, and may Israel be righteously punished for its sins. Thanks for this post!

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