Invaders are people who wish to impose their rules there cultures and ideologies. Remaining distinctly separate from the indigenous peoples, preaching and convincing others that their way is better. Remain closed and practise its rituals education, foods and not becoming a part of the people whose land they have moved on to. Missionaries were sent to outposts to strip, brainwash and if necessary murder to spread belief systems which better enabled the colonisers to manage and control the wholesale theft of resources, arts, in fact, everything. Is it little wonder that having gone unchecked for so long, impunity and supremacism are interchangeable? Those invaders seek to keep their identity whilst diluting the identities of those around them.

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I don't think western Christianity has anything to do with the Levant. We learn about Jerusalem and Nazareth but there is a big disconnect from Arabs. Jesus a Palestinian? Not accepted eventhough it is the truth. Oh yes in the Middle Ages if the Pope commanded me to go cleanse the Holy Land of infidels does he really care if there are Christians in the land of Christ? Forget telling me about Christian Arabs because I would not have been able to read. I would just be one more ignorant peasant. And yes the Crusades go on today. Than you Vanessa and Myriam for dispelling my ignorance. I promise not to follow those ridiculous knights.

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