So relieved to hear you are safe Vanessa yet at the same time devasted to what has happened in Syria and angry at the hypocrisy of our morally bankrupt and abetting politicians. Take care Vanessa

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So glad you are safe Vanessa. God watch over you.

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So glad you made it to safety Vanessa

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Dear brave Vanessa, my heart is broken for you, the loss of your home, your animal companions and friends you had to leave behind. I truly cannot imagine losing everything you loved and worked so hard for in just moments, horrific moments. You have now joined the millions of displaced people. When will this nightmare end?

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God bless you Vanessa

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I was worried about you Vanessa and I was relieved when I heard Mike say you had escaped Syria. I hope you can stay safe wherever you are now residing. Thank you for all you do xx

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Who is Mike?

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Thank God that you are safe, Vanessa (but only one dog 😢). I was in tears yesterday over the news of Syria’s fall and over Assad too who seems always to have made sure that Christians and other minorities were fairly treated. I had been hoping against hope that we had been told lies. It is all beyond tragic - I can’t express how bereft I feel, which can be nothing to what you must be feeling. God be and go with you.

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I’ve just subscribed to your Sub Stack, real and truthful journalism needs to be supported. Take care!

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I a glad you are safe, this is all heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹

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People need to wake up because what most do not seem to understand is that for the "Talmudic psychos" (Pepe Escobar's apposite term for The Chosen) it is not just the Palestinians and their land that The Chosen covet, but the whole planet - if you are not one of The Chosen then you are Goy with all that that implies in the mind of a Chosen.

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Happy you're safe. The postmortem will be immense but as you say the future is the saddest of all. There is no sovereign state.

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I know how I, as an outsider and unwilling supporter (just by being American) of these tragic circumstances feel; I can't begin to imagine what this is like for you and the Syrian people. I sometime think we need a war to come to American soil as the only way to wake us up to the horror of it. Then maybe we wouldn't be so apathetic and/or supportive of our government's self-interested interventions. All the good karma I can muster coming your way, stay safe, you are a true hero. You and reporters like you are our only source of truth. Many many thanks.

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Vanessa, Palestinian-American here. I had canceled subscriptions to focus the money on relatives, but you speak as though you are a native. So, you are a relative now, and forever. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help in this time of crisis and loss for you.

My wish for you: when you get safe (as safe as you can under the circumstances), I hope you have a quiet moment to grieve and regroup in your own time, in your own way habibti.

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God bless you Vanessa. The Lord will keep you safe as always; so with the people of Syria. Only three things last:faith, hope and love. All prayers and blessings.

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Very glad to read from you that you’re save.

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God bless you, Vanessa.

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