America is grimly determined to keep her 78 year old THUG nation reputation maintained.

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International Facism and Anglo-American Foreign Policy.

Not to forget that this is a Fascist collective west, NATO proxy war vs Russia (BRICS+, SCO, BRI, EAEU) in Ukraine and Syria. #DeNazthePlanet.

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The US has been operating as a defacto mafia organization for decades, if not longer.

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Imagine a world without USA, UK and Israel! No invasions, no wars, no bombings, no weapons and no viruses........World Peace!

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Thanks for this report.

Remember 'CLUE'? I have The Christian Syrian, in The Alpine Park, with the Knife.

Surprisingly well lit, filmed, with audio and advisory warnings.

Another news-cycle distraction from the on-going rape, plunder, and pillage.

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Yes. I haven't reached any conclusion and if children were injured in the process, it is monstrous but the entire event perfectly filmed didn't ring true for me.

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The children. I agree, monstrous, yet my late night, early morning, jadedness says something like: that is the selling point; that’s the draw.

On another clip of the event Macron had noted that “adults and children were between life and death.” My impression is that all of us here fit that description.

The agencies never grow tired of reusing their scripts. Would that they truly were protecting the vulnerable.

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I assume that the questions posed in the next to last paragraph are rhetorical.

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Well clearly.

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Jun 10, 2023
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I live in Syria where we are under blockade. I can't bring any money in at all via any system. Perhaps consider that before patronisingly telling me to wake up.

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Jun 11, 2023
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I love how you just don't understand how ridiculously difficult doing all this is from Syria. Thank you for the advice but I am dealing with my situation the best way I can for my situation. Good luck. Please stop pushing the concept on me.

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