Thanks, Vanessa. I first heard it from the source - Judging Freedom on Monday. Curious that it's been edited to take out all of the questions / words from the host (Andrew Napolitano), as it wasn't long in the first place (30 mins or so), and just makes it a bit disjointed to listen to. Was worth a second hearing, though 👍

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Personally I prefer it like this ;-)

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I see! :)

I'm not that familiar with Andrew Napolitano's background, but I do like the fact that he seems to keep each discussion to around 30 mins; and I appreciate being able to hear the likes of Douglas McGregor, Jeffey Sachs, Ray McGovern and Craig Murray on there – as well as the weekly sessions with Alastair Crooke, of course.

Is there something I ought to be aware of about him (a particular reason why you prefer not to listen to him), or is it just a personal thing? Just curious...

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Mostly, I don't have time to listen to the whole thing and I fast forward to Alastair responses so it's great to have them edited like this. Nothing sinister

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Oh I see. No worries. Was just curious :) Thanks and hope you're keeping well & sane. Keep up the amazing work x

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Thanks. This certainly offers some clarity into what is really going on. It’s very difficult to ascertain reality anymore.

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Follow the money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw9oQH2r5r4

This is from three years ago but gives needed background that explains Netanyahu's behavior and how he captured the Congress and why they and the Dems are behaving the way they are. And why Israel is falling apart. Shir Hever on how they fund their arms acquisition. He says the US "official" support of $3.8 billion is 1% of their GDP (in 2021). And that most of their arms acquisition is actually funded by loans through Israeli banks which are rolled over at higher and higher interest rates. Netanyahu pushed a law through which restricts Israel to buying NO MORE THAN 20% OF THEIR MILITARY HARDWARE FROM ISRAELI FIRMS. This is because he uses these acquisitions for international political power. Furthermore, Netanyahu is buying items the IDF cannot use. Netanyahu bribes the Israeli banks with higher interest; he uses those loans to bribe preferred status with American arms industry companies; they bribe the Congress with donations to re-election campaigns; Congress gives Israel "money", much of which goes back to the American arms industry. As with Ukraine whose debt is $161 billion which, in the end, will be paid by giving Western investors ownership of their raw materials--the Rothschilds are involved in that right now--and presumably Israel will try to sell off parts of Palestine to investors to pay off military arms debts that they cannot pay. This is behind the criminal charges against Netanyahu. Follow the money.

Great Britain is in a similar situation, tied up with their loans to Ukraine. They're screwed. The loans were made by the Bank of England which is NOT a national bank. This whole thing has pulled back the curtains to reveal the very serious problems in British governance. I would like to know what the hell Britain is doing in Lebanon. What is Britain (and MI6) doing in the Middle East? I would like to hear Crooke's view on this, if he can (or will) talk. The Brits are working hand-in-glove with Israel vis-a-vis surveillance and arms development. Why? Israel cannot pay its bills so it's not going to save Great Britain from their economic woes. It's just INCREASING them.

I think in the end what we are witnessing is less the failure of American hegemony (though it is that, and thank heavens for that) as the fall of capitalism. It's global, world-wide. It is the root of all these conflicts. The real weapon is the role of credit and debt within capitalism.

I think it would be super helpful if you were to do a big, deep piece on the roots of Netanyahu's criminal cases. Israel has a lot of problems unrelated to money, but widespread corruption appears to underlie a lot of them.

There are multiple other interviews with Shir Hever in the above-referenced series from The Analysis-New with Paul Jay. I have not watched all of them.

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