Sep 10Liked by vanessa beeley

All is not what it seems. The message of the Covid era is that stark. We are dealing with so many plots with depopulation at the core of it all. We have been played for a long time and many are still mostly still in Plato's Cave. Whatever the elites say they ar racist and colonial and this allows them to justify the murder of so many. So many people who saw the evil perpetrated during Covid are so convinced that Israel has the right to do what it is doing in Gaza. I don't understand it.

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Yup, the disconnect is very hard to digest at times.

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Vanessa I couldn’t get the audio version of this for some reason so I hand to read it which took me a long time with my eyesight issues. It is a very deeply disturbing and thought provoking article. I too think the Trump-Kennedy ?partnership ?alliance is strange as almost the only thing they seem to agree with is the support of Israel and the genocidal campaign against Palestinians. And churches seem to be paying a leading role - Welty did speak up last week for the first time but no doubt next month on the anniversary of 7 October he will pay his dues to the Zionist entity. There is a campaign of genocide and euthanasia going on everywhere - the decarbonisation industry, the pharma industry, ‘assisted dying’ policies, the strange gender distortions, the strange nutrition industry, the anti farming policy, etc., and of course never ending war. I didn’t know exactly what trump did in the Middle East until you exposed it. It’s a bit like the old democratic policies of pretending whilst preparing. Whilst the democrats are more like the republican policies of war war war. I do what I can with exposing the censorship industry but how I wish others would just do a little thing each.

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I am just one person - said 7 billion people. Your message reminds me of this slogan. xxx Apologies for there being no audio, I didn't actually realise you had audio LOL - I am not very good at the technical stuff. x I will check .

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I usually get the audio option but it’s just this one article that I couldn’t listen to. Hopefully the others will be ok. But it was worth the struggle to read thank you

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Sep 10Liked by vanessa beeley

Thank you for your truthful, cutting edge journalism! Unless we put all the criminals and their cohorts behind bars, they multiply and become more deadly like the viruses they create in bioweapon labs. https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/prosecute-biden-cohorts-who-abet-palestinian-genocide https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/arrest-netanyahu-now

Imagine all the Masters of Mass Murder behind bars where they belong. Thank you for taking this meaningful step to transform our collective imagination into reality & world peace! ♥ Marie

Marie Spike, Founder

Nuremberg Now


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I am so glad you find what I do useful. Thank you! x

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Sep 10Liked by vanessa beeley

The human condition is overlooked in all of our debates and protestations. Why the power brokers have functioned for so long? Is it their sheer genius? I think not. In fact it is incredulous at how low intelligence has to be to be in positions of power. We have been disarmed and disempowered by our own hands, willingly. We want convenience even at the cost of our freedom and the slaughter of others. We are the problem.

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I think humanity has a duty to take responsibility for individual and collective actions, yes. The search for a "saviour" is what often destroys our capability to do that - we have to recognise that we are the change we are seeking.

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Sep 10Liked by vanessa beeley

The problem with our humanity is this cycle of wars and genocides seems to have to play out for us to be horrified and use the word humanity. In reality, the word war and killing need to be disarmed. The military complex needs to be a dirty word and expelled. But ask ourselves how does the complex exist? via money, whose money? our money. Without understanding the mechanics we reside ourselves to believing that Oz is real. Humans have humanity but we also have greed and self-preservation, and it's those things that are used against ourselves.

Our survival relies upon mutual cooperation. To design systems that do not allow military-industrial complexes to thrive, to not allow governance to attract crooks and narcissists. When we recognise our own human condition only then can we begin fixing the BS that we all know to be total BS. We are the saviour.

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I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. voted for the green party and turned off my television. I read Judiths Browns comment and agree there is a lot more going on. Trump had dangled the carrot in front of Bobby to look at child vaccine schedule and Bill Gates persuaded him to not to. Stefany Seneff and others have estimated that the current Autism rate in boys based on the trend could be close to 1 in 9 to as low as 1 in 2 by 2025. There is evil at foot, and many are not seeing it. Dr. Jane Ruby also had scathing remarks to the Peter Theil connection as it worries the crap out of me as well. To Dr. Jane Ruby's points she is right about many of them about Trumps first lap. If all 2020 did not happen and a bullet through the ear and he doesn't change his stripes we are lost with either candidate. I would hope as experience and hind sight are a good knowledge builder in Trump as they are in most people. If Trump gets in we will see sweeping changes along the lines that RFK has enumerated. Much of those will depend on the DOJ to prosecute and the judiciary to uphold if they do their jobs as the citizens need them to do to put we the people back in control. The hibernation of the sherman act must be over to dismantle the monopolies of the deep state. So much has been done while we were all being manipulated by the intel agencies that are clearly laundering trillions to make endless war. Bobby I feel will run in 2028 if he stays alive. I can't imagine Trump/Bobby would be able to fix this in 4 years. I also couldn't imagine that Biden would have put us here in this short amount of time. I saw a video the other day of what happened to MH370 on redacted. To think the US has this technology and used it on a plane of people is beyond evil that is the devil we are playing with.

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