Leaves one with such a heavy heart reading this. Syria is truly part of the Holy Land(s) as are Iraq, Iran, Jordan etc It's not just Israel. With all this talk of end times and Jesus 's 2nd coming(did he not tell the Apostles he'd be back soon!) I have been wondering if he might appear on the road to Damascus again like he did 2,000yrs ago when Saul was on his way to persecute the first Christians, many of whose descendants still live in and around Damascus, and in Maaloula, and still worship in the same churches built in the first century AD, and are again facing persecution. If Jesus did appear again on the road to Damascus today he would have a lot more to say than "Saul, why are you persecuting me?" He would have to say: "ISIS, Al-Nusra, Al Queda. Mixed bag of moderate and extreme rebels and beheaders. Multiple US, UK and Euro Coalition Forces and Special Forces, Turkish Army, IDF, Gulf States etc and finally Bibi Netanyahu - why are you persecuting me!!!!" There is an incredible resonance between what happened 2,000 yrs ago and what is happening today.
I can't thank you enough Vanessa. Your witness for the truth will bring this episode of history to the world where most people have no idea of what is really happening. Indeed the 'ordinary people' of the west follow their governments' media mouthpieces and are fed lies. This piece and the photographs are a most important testimony to the terrible invasion of Maaloula which is a most valuable place in Christendom. It must be in our prayers as are you. God bless you.
I think you mean, "People who speak the language of the Christ." Jesus did not speak Aramaic, according to Bible scholars. The gospels were written in Greek and even the direct quotes from Jesus, like the parables, contain tropes and plays on words that only make sense in Greek, not Aramaic.
Why would a Judean revolutionary be speaking to his fellow peasants in the Hellenic language of their oppressors, which they wouldn't have understood? He wouldn't. It's yet another piece of evidence that the story of Jesus, written under Caesar Vespasian, was a psyop designed to destroy the Christ, which was the revolutionary movement, not a person.
Leaves one with such a heavy heart reading this. Syria is truly part of the Holy Land(s) as are Iraq, Iran, Jordan etc It's not just Israel. With all this talk of end times and Jesus 's 2nd coming(did he not tell the Apostles he'd be back soon!) I have been wondering if he might appear on the road to Damascus again like he did 2,000yrs ago when Saul was on his way to persecute the first Christians, many of whose descendants still live in and around Damascus, and in Maaloula, and still worship in the same churches built in the first century AD, and are again facing persecution. If Jesus did appear again on the road to Damascus today he would have a lot more to say than "Saul, why are you persecuting me?" He would have to say: "ISIS, Al-Nusra, Al Queda. Mixed bag of moderate and extreme rebels and beheaders. Multiple US, UK and Euro Coalition Forces and Special Forces, Turkish Army, IDF, Gulf States etc and finally Bibi Netanyahu - why are you persecuting me!!!!" There is an incredible resonance between what happened 2,000 yrs ago and what is happening today.
I can't thank you enough Vanessa. Your witness for the truth will bring this episode of history to the world where most people have no idea of what is really happening. Indeed the 'ordinary people' of the west follow their governments' media mouthpieces and are fed lies. This piece and the photographs are a most important testimony to the terrible invasion of Maaloula which is a most valuable place in Christendom. It must be in our prayers as are you. God bless you.
Thankyou. I fear your observation of using gangs as a tactic, may emerge as a more global strategy. Myriam is just bang right.
I think you mean, "People who speak the language of the Christ." Jesus did not speak Aramaic, according to Bible scholars. The gospels were written in Greek and even the direct quotes from Jesus, like the parables, contain tropes and plays on words that only make sense in Greek, not Aramaic.
Why would a Judean revolutionary be speaking to his fellow peasants in the Hellenic language of their oppressors, which they wouldn't have understood? He wouldn't. It's yet another piece of evidence that the story of Jesus, written under Caesar Vespasian, was a psyop designed to destroy the Christ, which was the revolutionary movement, not a person.
I'll be writing about that more this week, but here are two previous pieces: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/jesus-is-the-og-psy-ops and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/jesus-rebel-or-imperialist?