Kennedy gets a lot wrong on many vital issues. It's just that he gets a free pass by his "followers" because he is well "a Kennedy."
Go back and read his "analysis" on "the pandemic"- he gets it all wrong right from the start calling it a "mismanaged pandemic" rather than the global operation that it is.
Go back and watch his interview w/Denis Rancourt where he speaks about what happened in N Italy in Spring 2020- he gets everything wrong including the basic locale of where the (non) pandemic was happening.
The hagiography around the Kennedy's is pure fiction, particularly that surrounding JFK.
Worship of leaders is a technique of indoctrination that goes back to the crazed George Washington cult of the 18th century and to the Reagan cult, to the truly lunatic Obama Hopium cult, up to the present day deranged Trump cult.
The Kennedy/Camelot cult is another example of this indoctrination.
That is definately a BIG problem. We (the collective) have to grow up as human beings and reject leaders who want to act like the "father knows best" saviours that so many of them like to do, and also reject the childish position of abdicating personal responsibility in favour of letting Mom or Dad take care of us, especially since Mom and Dad are morally bankrupt, not too bright, and increasingly infested with demons, it seems. You know...we need to become adults.
Yes, i was also astounded to hear him say to the geo-engineering guy in his podcast recently, that Charities are not abusing their tax exemption status, nor would they self-censor to prevent losing that legal status - what planet is he on exactly?
He gets a pass because he has spent over 30 years trying to bring corporate criminals to justice, and he is so right on so many issues. No one gets everything right. No other candidate is comparing the current US govt to fascism and saying it has to be changed.
Yes, and the current efforts to block him from running as a Democrat (and in fact stop anyone from running against Joe Biden for the party nomination) is telling. The establishment is afraid.
Absolutely. And not giving him Secret Service protection! Are they hoping he will be assassinated? I am not happy with his stance on Israel but as I said no one gets everything right.
Be careful, the Musad and their teammate the CIA took down a few large buildings. Let’s not forget the United States. We start all the wars and are chomping at the bit for World War III. Our benevolent dictators are still pushing inoculations on six month olds babies. We are at least as bad as the Israelis.
If one understands the the US was again taken over by the British Empire a couple decades ago AND that Israel has never been anything but a Crown Corporation since its most recent inception... and that the Brit empire has always churned countries and politics to provide the best situation for taking profits or exerting influence for THEM, never anybody else, then you might begin to untangle the street theatre and stop the visible realisations that you are being manipulated like a yo-yo.
While there is little confusion about the extent of Crown influence back to Teddy Roosevelt [and the assassinations that were accomplished to put him in that position] at the level of the head of the beast, thorough infiltration was not so completely accomplished, IMHO, until after the loosing of Nazi influences near the core when Wizner created that monster.
There's no easy measure, but I look at things like the London banker's coup of 1913, and the pervasive US government & media propaganda around WWI, the Bolshevik revolution, the Spanish Flu, etc., and it's obvious that things were little different than today; the government & media were fully behind the British/Zionist agenda, acting blatantly against the interests of the people of the US, and the public was mostly brainwashed and clueless.
Read "The Real Anthony Fauci" by JFK Jnr....courageous work!...I don't think he's too controlled ...& he's risking his life every day in this course in my view... you can bet the global Israel fanatics are an enemy he doesn't want
»courageous work!« – Nevertheless, he has overlooked or deliberately concealed crucial points (e.g. 5G, questioning the germ theory, speaking 'tacheless' to his political oponents, et cetera). Courageous work, for me at least, involves relentless transparency - regardless of the political outcome.
»risking his life every day« – His name at least grants him some protection. I doubt TPTB would make him a martyr.
After the recent revelations about JFK's assassination, and considering that he is a crucial figure in the upcoming election, I think so – it would be too obvious who would have taken him out.
And by the way, I live in the same world as you, albeit with a slightly different view on certain things – it's called freedom of speech.
I get it im not being a drag.... i think the DOD cia are beyond anyones philosophizing... they can make anything look like something other and dont think they care about being obvious. Just my opinion cause they would relish if they made him a martyr. It would only divide a country even more... so seems like the most direct way.
Never in history has the U.S. collapsed as a nation - should this happen (through division, war, etc.), the CIA as we know it will no longer exist. So...
I totally retract my statements above re RFK not being too controlled. To see him and also Trump kow-towing before the utterly evil Israel "murder, theft & deception" regime(s) is in my view, sickening. And also, proof of foolishness as it destroys their credibility and is not at all necessary. Heaven help the USA & the west from these shills for the status quo crime syndicates!
I've long been an admirer of your research, Vanessa, which I've come across from other journalists but this is the first I've read directly. And I'm with you on two things here: I'm 100% pro-Palestinian and US politics will not change anything, no matter who's elected. I've written my own post critical of Kennedy for a person he supports, who I and others believe to be covertly at the heart of the damage inflicted by the 'pandemic':
I didn't hear the interview by Glenn but listened to his thoughts on it for his Locals broadcast. He was in agreement with you that Bobby is ethically inconsistent in his position on Israel and that's a major--not just problem--moral failing of his platform. But what Glenn followed with is saying that he heard something that was unprecedented in any politician he knew: Bobby saying, your points make sense, you may be right and I may be wrong, I need to think about that. I also believe that he's quietly disassociated from the person I write about, though I may be wrong.
I've written that a person who changes their mind is the second greatest power in the world. First is two people who share the same purpose. I don't think any person can make decisions for 330M people and pretend it's self-governance, aka democracy. I think the only strategy that will work, eventually, is decentralization. That's not going to come from the top down but it may be the only way we, in the US, survive after the hegemony of the dollar crashes and burns. So, with or without our influence, things are changing in a way that, ultimately, I believe will restore the Palestinians as owners of their lands and their lives.
Thank you for mentioning what Greenwald said afterwards. However, Palestine is a no compromise situation for me and I seriously do not believe someone like Kennedy will simply change his mind over views he has held for most of his life that center around "Israeli security" blah blah, these are principles, not views. I believe Kennedy was simply deflecting what he knew would be considerable criticism from supporters of Palestine - and it is also worth bearing in mind that Kennedy eschews the Alan Dershowitz dinosaur views of Palestine and support of apartheid, expansionist Zionism while the up and coming generations are far more pivoted towards an understanding of what ZIonism really represents and that it is a cancer in the global society that must be dealt with. Kennedy will not change his views imo.
Thank you, vanessa. My belief is that Israel has no right to exist. No one has the right to 'give away' someone else's land. My radio archives disappeared from my domain (curiously after I'd linked to some episodes debunking the Torah/ OT) or I could point you to articles on "Friends Don't Let Friends Condone Genocide" from a dozen years ago during the Gaza assault.
My book, How to Dismantle an Empire, looks at the origins of democracy as a means of subverting the rebellion of the landless and turning smallholders towards supporting the military to gain status. I don't see anything changing through it, it's a theme park to placate the masses. But I do think we'll be in a different world by Nov 2024, and not one of our own making. For worse or better (maybe in that order) something will have changed.
The small contribution I think that I have to your cause lies in my study of the Bible vs. the history of the time. A recent article in which I talk about it is here, if you're interested:
I would love to hear your perspectives on BRICS and how it plays into the development of pulling apart the plans of anarchy, world financials and political standings, we are at a very strong cross roads and I feel we could use supporting knowledge on this matter. Much appreciation for your work Vanessa!
No surprise. He's playing the game, his role is to cause confusion, divide and conquer, he can't win the election but he can make piles of $$$$$$$$$$$$. Democracy is a LIE!!! Elections a distraction...
I will stop following and delete this Zionist from everywhere! Since he retracted against the GREAT Humanist Roger WATERS who exposed Kennedy, I no longer trust anything he said or does. He's one of them, paid and controlled by his bosses: Sons of Zion! EVIL of the world!
Vanessa, your analysis is relatively dispassionate (it must be difficult), accurate and objective. Anyone who has even superficial historical understanding of Israel versus the Palestinians knows that what Kennedy is saying here is a whaffling tissue of half-truths and whole-lies of a politician's doublespeak. And yes, to me and I think most readers of body language, the ants-in-his-pants uncomfortableness is obvious.
It clearly shows where Kennedy stands on this issue and your point about some criticisers saying he caved in to the Israeli government to condemn Waters is really not the case because he has always been totally on the side of Israeli and this was not a current change of heart.
Good that he has hoisted himself with his own petard so everyone who is not blinded by the standard anti-semitic canard foisted by the criminal Israeli government can see the gaping hole in his Wailing Wall.
By the way, I hope you get better interviewers (like Ryan Cristian) the next time but I guess you must take what you can get.
There was a point (small) where I was thinking about Kennedy for President (anti war stance, in particular Ukraine, not anymore. Just another POS politician.
Agree. I think the establishment is quietly drooling at the prospects of RFK, Jr, in order to shore-up the love of government that's been slightly damaged in recent years.
Only Zionists call the Palestinian right to defend themselves against violent brutal occupation and disproportionate aggression as "terrorism". If you looked at international law you might be more credible.
So if a band of armed thugs invades your home, kills half your family, and throws the rest out on the street to run for their lives, your surviving family will be "terrorists" if they fight back?
Kennedy should not be admired for his stance on fake-covid either. He upholds the "virus"/contagion/gain-of-function nonsense, and is on record admitting that he's leaving it to others to expose that core fraud because doing so wouldn't suit his "cost/returns ratio". He misleads CHD donors and readers while taking half a million in salary for himself.
Why is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. running from the missing virus problem?
The leader of Children's Health Defense doesn't acknowledge that every government in the world admits they have no clinical sample of SARS-CoV-2. Why do all of his publications conceal this fact? -- by Eric Coppolino
No it doesn't "stir up water to catch fish" is happening most everywhere the Globalist cabal of profit & control freaks (& collaborators) can possibly operate. We may yet thank China & Russia standing up to them...(if they are not already there).
Hi Vanessa, Many thanks for this commentary. No doubt like many others, I was sorely disappointed by RFK Jr's expressed position on Israel, but perhaps not all that surprised. Later on you and readers will see a response I penned recently to Kevin Barrett re: similar misgivings he aired about RFK Jr's views on Israel. It has direct relevance to what you've written above. (See link below* a link for this article, "Why is RFK Jr. Shilling for the People Who Killed His Father? Is he playing 3D chess? Or suffering from Stockholm Syndrome?")
But first I'll say this. Your take on Kennedy's Israel position challenges his views from a somewhat different angle to Barrett's. As with KB, I found your analysis compelling and useful, albeit for different reasons. (If indeed one accepts KB's analysis here as useful, yours points more to the "Stockholm Syndrome" theory than the "3D chess" theory). Whilst KB appears to be cutting RFK some slack, you seem less inclined to do so. Either way, RFK's position on Israel is not a good look, whichever way one views it. Perhaps only time will tell as to what his real views are. If in office he genuinely intends to finally uncover the truth about his uncle's and his father's murders, he's in for a few surprises if he isn't already aware as to who the main players were. This is especially the case if his views on Israel are genuine.
Take this in the way intended, but I hope you're wrong on your assessment of RFK Jr herein. That once ensconced in the Oval Office (should he get that far), he'll have the cohones to begin questioning if not directly challenging the special US-Israeli relationship. Or at the very least he pressures them to fall in line with a 'once and for all time' solution to this interminable impasse. I don't think he will on either counts, even if he might otherwise be inclined, now or then. In which case your assessment will be seen as on the shekel.
In any event, here's my response to KB. I trust that readers might it useful food for thought.
TO KEVIN BARRETT: 'Many thanks for your insights on RFK's position vis a vis Israel...To be sure there is much to admire about the man's position on many issues, his stand on Big Pharma, Covid and the💉-- along with the broader globalist agenda--being the most obvious. But for me the recent efforts by RFK Jr to walk back his initial support of Roger Waters' views on same, declaring he was unaware of Waters' own position on Israel, sounded disingenuous at best. This was the proverbial red flag for me. Someone as politically astute and as well informed as RFK should have been well aware from the off of Waters' longstanding position herein.
If that wasn't enough, Kennedy's later statements in what appeared to be adding further unequivocal support of Israel just to make sure everyone got the message--all of them at total odds with Waters and so many of the rest of us, and let's face it, historical and political reality--only served to underscore this misfire. Juxtaposed with his earlier support of Roger Waters, his later comments rang like he'd just returned from a fast-tracked ADL-sponsored media relations rehab program.
Moreover, it always struck me that RFK Jr was/is all too willing to finger the CIA for its involvement in the killing of his father and/or uncle, but less keen to at least question Israel's own involvement. Now of course it's one thing to call out the "Company" on "The Crime of the (Last) Century", another ballgame altogether to include Israel in that same conversation. This especially when one is on the campaign trail. By the same token, if one is going to call out the CIA, in my view and doubtless that of so many others, this cannot be done without mentioning The Tribe's input into bringing about this history defining gambit, along with the efforts by all and sundry to keep this all under wraps for now 60 years. (It begs the question: If RFK Jr is aware of the CIA's involvement and unafraid to voice this, how can he be not aware of Israel's involvement? And if so aware, why's he being so coy?)
But as John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt discovered back in the day, any criticism of Israel, no matter how well intentioned, objective, rational, justified etc., is akin to touching the "third rail". And both these gentlemen were/are Jewish! Linking Israel with The JFK Thing be like standing in a bucket of water barefoot first then grabbing said "rail" with both mitts. Even Oliver Stone wouldn't touch the "rail", either back in 1993 or more recently, apparently being well aware of which side his bagel was buttered on.
On a slightly different note, FYI, one of my current projects is focused on what I've come to short-handing as "The JFK Thing". This is a series of articles I'm researching and writing in the lead up the 60th anniversary of the assassination. The first instalment (see details below), provided my own bespoke take on principally the CIA's role in this murder. A second instalment plans to highlight Israel's and the Mob's role (together with or separately from the CIA). Likewise, a third instalment will seek to chronicle LBJ's part in the plot and the cover-up.
Your insights in this report have provided more grist to the mill for this next instalment. It also underscored the political reality that in today's America, even the most promising Oval Office candidates traipse the campaign trail with considerable baggage. And more often than not, that "baggage" has Star of David stickers plastered all over it. In this respect, RFK Jr appears to be no different. Unless of course, as you suggest, he may be playing a longer game, knowing full well that getting the Oval Office gig is unlikely to materialise without the 'berakhah' of our "Hebrew" brethren.
The latter being the case, Kennedy and his team will have their work cut out for them. The "brethren"--being the quintessential players of the "long game"--will see any sleight of hand herein coming from a mile off. After all, they're masters of the art. As we're wont to say here Down Under, "No-one comes within a coo-ee!"' -- GM
Will you address Joseph Kennedy's support of McCarthy and JFK's support of Nixon? BTW RFK senior was counsel for HUAC. Both RFK and JFK were huge red-baiting union busters in Massachusetts.
Will you be addressing JFK's Alliance for Progress?
The hagiography around the Kennedy's is pure fiction, particularly that surrounding JFK.
Worship of leaders is a technique of indoctrination that goes back to the crazed George Washington cult of the 18th century and to the Reagan cult, to the truly lunatic Obama Hopium cult, up to the present day deranged Trump cult.
The Kennedy/Camelot cult is another example of this indoctrination.
Will you address Joseph Kennedy's support of McCarthy and JFK's support of Nixon? BTW RFK senior was counsel for HUAC. Both RFK and JFK were huge red-baiting union busters in Massachusetts.
Will you be addressing JFK's Alliance for Progress?
The hagiography around the Kennedy's is pure fiction, particularly that surrounding JFK.
Worship of leaders is a technique of indoctrination that goes back to the crazed George Washington cult of the 18th century and to the Reagan cult, to the truly lunatic Obama Hopium cult, up to the present day deranged Trump cult.
The Kennedy/Camelot cult is another example of this indoctrination.
I think he also might be getting advice from attorney, Robert Barnes, who also spews the same BS about Israel. I was in his locals group for a while, but had to unsubscribe after hearing his take on Israel (basically sounded in line with Dershowitz).
Kennedy gets a lot wrong on many vital issues. It's just that he gets a free pass by his "followers" because he is well "a Kennedy."
Go back and read his "analysis" on "the pandemic"- he gets it all wrong right from the start calling it a "mismanaged pandemic" rather than the global operation that it is.
Go back and watch his interview w/Denis Rancourt where he speaks about what happened in N Italy in Spring 2020- he gets everything wrong including the basic locale of where the (non) pandemic was happening.
The hagiography around the Kennedy's is pure fiction, particularly that surrounding JFK.
Worship of leaders is a technique of indoctrination that goes back to the crazed George Washington cult of the 18th century and to the Reagan cult, to the truly lunatic Obama Hopium cult, up to the present day deranged Trump cult.
The Kennedy/Camelot cult is another example of this indoctrination.
Yup. The ever burning desire for a "saviour" which prevents people finding solutions for themselves.
That is definately a BIG problem. We (the collective) have to grow up as human beings and reject leaders who want to act like the "father knows best" saviours that so many of them like to do, and also reject the childish position of abdicating personal responsibility in favour of letting Mom or Dad take care of us, especially since Mom and Dad are morally bankrupt, not too bright, and increasingly infested with demons, it seems. You know...we need to become adults.
Yes, i was also astounded to hear him say to the geo-engineering guy in his podcast recently, that Charities are not abusing their tax exemption status, nor would they self-censor to prevent losing that legal status - what planet is he on exactly?
He gets a pass because he has spent over 30 years trying to bring corporate criminals to justice, and he is so right on so many issues. No one gets everything right. No other candidate is comparing the current US govt to fascism and saying it has to be changed.
Yes, and the current efforts to block him from running as a Democrat (and in fact stop anyone from running against Joe Biden for the party nomination) is telling. The establishment is afraid.
Absolutely. And not giving him Secret Service protection! Are they hoping he will be assassinated? I am not happy with his stance on Israel but as I said no one gets everything right.
Be careful, the Musad and their teammate the CIA took down a few large buildings. Let’s not forget the United States. We start all the wars and are chomping at the bit for World War III. Our benevolent dictators are still pushing inoculations on six month olds babies. We are at least as bad as the Israelis.
They are us.
You got that right.
If one understands the the US was again taken over by the British Empire a couple decades ago AND that Israel has never been anything but a Crown Corporation since its most recent inception... and that the Brit empire has always churned countries and politics to provide the best situation for taking profits or exerting influence for THEM, never anybody else, then you might begin to untangle the street theatre and stop the visible realisations that you are being manipulated like a yo-yo.
A couple decades ago?
Before WWI the US had been conquered by the British/Zionist Empire. Nothing the US government has done since has been in the interests of Americans.
Indeed, believing that "the US" is doing these evil deeds is believing the theatre and being manipulated.
While there is little confusion about the extent of Crown influence back to Teddy Roosevelt [and the assassinations that were accomplished to put him in that position] at the level of the head of the beast, thorough infiltration was not so completely accomplished, IMHO, until after the loosing of Nazi influences near the core when Wizner created that monster.
There's no easy measure, but I look at things like the London banker's coup of 1913, and the pervasive US government & media propaganda around WWI, the Bolshevik revolution, the Spanish Flu, etc., and it's obvious that things were little different than today; the government & media were fully behind the British/Zionist agenda, acting blatantly against the interests of the people of the US, and the public was mostly brainwashed and clueless.
"You DO NOT swim in the swamp for 30 years without being part of the swamp." –Karen Bracken
The good news is that he's calling out the non "vaccines" and Fauci.
It's not enough, but considering he won't get the Big Guy job it's something good that's happening.
Read "The Real Anthony Fauci" by JFK Jnr....courageous work!...I don't think he's too controlled ...& he's risking his life every day in this course in my view... you can bet the global Israel fanatics are an enemy he doesn't want
»courageous work!« – Nevertheless, he has overlooked or deliberately concealed crucial points (e.g. 5G, questioning the germ theory, speaking 'tacheless' to his political oponents, et cetera). Courageous work, for me at least, involves relentless transparency - regardless of the political outcome.
»risking his life every day« – His name at least grants him some protection. I doubt TPTB would make him a martyr.
They killed his uncle and father and you think his name grants him some ‘protection’ what world are you living in?
After the recent revelations about JFK's assassination, and considering that he is a crucial figure in the upcoming election, I think so – it would be too obvious who would have taken him out.
And by the way, I live in the same world as you, albeit with a slightly different view on certain things – it's called freedom of speech.
I get it im not being a drag.... i think the DOD cia are beyond anyones philosophizing... they can make anything look like something other and dont think they care about being obvious. Just my opinion cause they would relish if they made him a martyr. It would only divide a country even more... so seems like the most direct way.
Never in history has the U.S. collapsed as a nation - should this happen (through division, war, etc.), the CIA as we know it will no longer exist. So...
Not wanting another enemy is one thing, though lockstep support for the genocidists is not the alternative.
I totally retract my statements above re RFK not being too controlled. To see him and also Trump kow-towing before the utterly evil Israel "murder, theft & deception" regime(s) is in my view, sickening. And also, proof of foolishness as it destroys their credibility and is not at all necessary. Heaven help the USA & the west from these shills for the status quo crime syndicates!
I agree
I've long been an admirer of your research, Vanessa, which I've come across from other journalists but this is the first I've read directly. And I'm with you on two things here: I'm 100% pro-Palestinian and US politics will not change anything, no matter who's elected. I've written my own post critical of Kennedy for a person he supports, who I and others believe to be covertly at the heart of the damage inflicted by the 'pandemic':
I didn't hear the interview by Glenn but listened to his thoughts on it for his Locals broadcast. He was in agreement with you that Bobby is ethically inconsistent in his position on Israel and that's a major--not just problem--moral failing of his platform. But what Glenn followed with is saying that he heard something that was unprecedented in any politician he knew: Bobby saying, your points make sense, you may be right and I may be wrong, I need to think about that. I also believe that he's quietly disassociated from the person I write about, though I may be wrong.
I've written that a person who changes their mind is the second greatest power in the world. First is two people who share the same purpose. I don't think any person can make decisions for 330M people and pretend it's self-governance, aka democracy. I think the only strategy that will work, eventually, is decentralization. That's not going to come from the top down but it may be the only way we, in the US, survive after the hegemony of the dollar crashes and burns. So, with or without our influence, things are changing in a way that, ultimately, I believe will restore the Palestinians as owners of their lands and their lives.
In the meantime, this is what I'm looking for in a Presidential candidate:
Thank you for mentioning what Greenwald said afterwards. However, Palestine is a no compromise situation for me and I seriously do not believe someone like Kennedy will simply change his mind over views he has held for most of his life that center around "Israeli security" blah blah, these are principles, not views. I believe Kennedy was simply deflecting what he knew would be considerable criticism from supporters of Palestine - and it is also worth bearing in mind that Kennedy eschews the Alan Dershowitz dinosaur views of Palestine and support of apartheid, expansionist Zionism while the up and coming generations are far more pivoted towards an understanding of what ZIonism really represents and that it is a cancer in the global society that must be dealt with. Kennedy will not change his views imo.
You might like to listen to 3 outstanding actual Levantine female analysts discussing their region tomorrow - it is voices like theirs that I listen to.
Thank you, vanessa. My belief is that Israel has no right to exist. No one has the right to 'give away' someone else's land. My radio archives disappeared from my domain (curiously after I'd linked to some episodes debunking the Torah/ OT) or I could point you to articles on "Friends Don't Let Friends Condone Genocide" from a dozen years ago during the Gaza assault.
My book, How to Dismantle an Empire, looks at the origins of democracy as a means of subverting the rebellion of the landless and turning smallholders towards supporting the military to gain status. I don't see anything changing through it, it's a theme park to placate the masses. But I do think we'll be in a different world by Nov 2024, and not one of our own making. For worse or better (maybe in that order) something will have changed.
The small contribution I think that I have to your cause lies in my study of the Bible vs. the history of the time. A recent article in which I talk about it is here, if you're interested:
I would love to hear your perspectives on BRICS and how it plays into the development of pulling apart the plans of anarchy, world financials and political standings, we are at a very strong cross roads and I feel we could use supporting knowledge on this matter. Much appreciation for your work Vanessa!
I am interviewing Alex Krainer on Tuesday so will be sure to talk about this and post the interview.
You mean THIS Alex Krainer!!! Wow! Cool!!!
No surprise. He's playing the game, his role is to cause confusion, divide and conquer, he can't win the election but he can make piles of $$$$$$$$$$$$. Democracy is a LIE!!! Elections a distraction...
Always value your work.
I will stop following and delete this Zionist from everywhere! Since he retracted against the GREAT Humanist Roger WATERS who exposed Kennedy, I no longer trust anything he said or does. He's one of them, paid and controlled by his bosses: Sons of Zion! EVIL of the world!
I know Bono is because he was coercing people to get jabbed. Never heard or seein anything g about Waters.
RFK, Jr. -- an Inconvenient Truth-Denier.
Vanessa, your analysis is relatively dispassionate (it must be difficult), accurate and objective. Anyone who has even superficial historical understanding of Israel versus the Palestinians knows that what Kennedy is saying here is a whaffling tissue of half-truths and whole-lies of a politician's doublespeak. And yes, to me and I think most readers of body language, the ants-in-his-pants uncomfortableness is obvious.
It clearly shows where Kennedy stands on this issue and your point about some criticisers saying he caved in to the Israeli government to condemn Waters is really not the case because he has always been totally on the side of Israeli and this was not a current change of heart.
Good that he has hoisted himself with his own petard so everyone who is not blinded by the standard anti-semitic canard foisted by the criminal Israeli government can see the gaping hole in his Wailing Wall.
By the way, I hope you get better interviewers (like Ryan Cristian) the next time but I guess you must take what you can get.
Stay free and safe.
There was a point (small) where I was thinking about Kennedy for President (anti war stance, in particular Ukraine, not anymore. Just another POS politician.
he might be put up as a controlled candidate if anything. They know there is big demand for this type of character, so they gave us one.
Agree. I think the establishment is quietly drooling at the prospects of RFK, Jr, in order to shore-up the love of government that's been slightly damaged in recent years.
If you took a more objective approach and condemned civilian terrorism on the part of Palestinians, you would be much more credible.
Only Zionists call the Palestinian right to defend themselves against violent brutal occupation and disproportionate aggression as "terrorism". If you looked at international law you might be more credible.
So if a band of armed thugs invades your home, kills half your family, and throws the rest out on the street to run for their lives, your surviving family will be "terrorists" if they fight back?
Kennedy should not be admired for his stance on fake-covid either. He upholds the "virus"/contagion/gain-of-function nonsense, and is on record admitting that he's leaving it to others to expose that core fraud because doing so wouldn't suit his "cost/returns ratio". He misleads CHD donors and readers while taking half a million in salary for himself.
Why is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. running from the missing virus problem?
The leader of Children's Health Defense doesn't acknowledge that every government in the world admits they have no clinical sample of SARS-CoV-2. Why do all of his publications conceal this fact? -- by Eric Coppolino
True I think, I've been told by an immunologist they have never isolated the virus
Everything...everything always hinges on Israel. Gets really old.
No it doesn't "stir up water to catch fish" is happening most everywhere the Globalist cabal of profit & control freaks (& collaborators) can possibly operate. We may yet thank China & Russia standing up to them...(if they are not already there).
Hi Vanessa, Many thanks for this commentary. No doubt like many others, I was sorely disappointed by RFK Jr's expressed position on Israel, but perhaps not all that surprised. Later on you and readers will see a response I penned recently to Kevin Barrett re: similar misgivings he aired about RFK Jr's views on Israel. It has direct relevance to what you've written above. (See link below* a link for this article, "Why is RFK Jr. Shilling for the People Who Killed His Father? Is he playing 3D chess? Or suffering from Stockholm Syndrome?")
But first I'll say this. Your take on Kennedy's Israel position challenges his views from a somewhat different angle to Barrett's. As with KB, I found your analysis compelling and useful, albeit for different reasons. (If indeed one accepts KB's analysis here as useful, yours points more to the "Stockholm Syndrome" theory than the "3D chess" theory). Whilst KB appears to be cutting RFK some slack, you seem less inclined to do so. Either way, RFK's position on Israel is not a good look, whichever way one views it. Perhaps only time will tell as to what his real views are. If in office he genuinely intends to finally uncover the truth about his uncle's and his father's murders, he's in for a few surprises if he isn't already aware as to who the main players were. This is especially the case if his views on Israel are genuine.
Take this in the way intended, but I hope you're wrong on your assessment of RFK Jr herein. That once ensconced in the Oval Office (should he get that far), he'll have the cohones to begin questioning if not directly challenging the special US-Israeli relationship. Or at the very least he pressures them to fall in line with a 'once and for all time' solution to this interminable impasse. I don't think he will on either counts, even if he might otherwise be inclined, now or then. In which case your assessment will be seen as on the shekel.
In any event, here's my response to KB. I trust that readers might it useful food for thought.
TO KEVIN BARRETT: 'Many thanks for your insights on RFK's position vis a vis Israel...To be sure there is much to admire about the man's position on many issues, his stand on Big Pharma, Covid and the💉-- along with the broader globalist agenda--being the most obvious. But for me the recent efforts by RFK Jr to walk back his initial support of Roger Waters' views on same, declaring he was unaware of Waters' own position on Israel, sounded disingenuous at best. This was the proverbial red flag for me. Someone as politically astute and as well informed as RFK should have been well aware from the off of Waters' longstanding position herein.
If that wasn't enough, Kennedy's later statements in what appeared to be adding further unequivocal support of Israel just to make sure everyone got the message--all of them at total odds with Waters and so many of the rest of us, and let's face it, historical and political reality--only served to underscore this misfire. Juxtaposed with his earlier support of Roger Waters, his later comments rang like he'd just returned from a fast-tracked ADL-sponsored media relations rehab program.
Moreover, it always struck me that RFK Jr was/is all too willing to finger the CIA for its involvement in the killing of his father and/or uncle, but less keen to at least question Israel's own involvement. Now of course it's one thing to call out the "Company" on "The Crime of the (Last) Century", another ballgame altogether to include Israel in that same conversation. This especially when one is on the campaign trail. By the same token, if one is going to call out the CIA, in my view and doubtless that of so many others, this cannot be done without mentioning The Tribe's input into bringing about this history defining gambit, along with the efforts by all and sundry to keep this all under wraps for now 60 years. (It begs the question: If RFK Jr is aware of the CIA's involvement and unafraid to voice this, how can he be not aware of Israel's involvement? And if so aware, why's he being so coy?)
But as John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt discovered back in the day, any criticism of Israel, no matter how well intentioned, objective, rational, justified etc., is akin to touching the "third rail". And both these gentlemen were/are Jewish! Linking Israel with The JFK Thing be like standing in a bucket of water barefoot first then grabbing said "rail" with both mitts. Even Oliver Stone wouldn't touch the "rail", either back in 1993 or more recently, apparently being well aware of which side his bagel was buttered on.
On a slightly different note, FYI, one of my current projects is focused on what I've come to short-handing as "The JFK Thing". This is a series of articles I'm researching and writing in the lead up the 60th anniversary of the assassination. The first instalment (see details below), provided my own bespoke take on principally the CIA's role in this murder. A second instalment plans to highlight Israel's and the Mob's role (together with or separately from the CIA). Likewise, a third instalment will seek to chronicle LBJ's part in the plot and the cover-up.
Your insights in this report have provided more grist to the mill for this next instalment. It also underscored the political reality that in today's America, even the most promising Oval Office candidates traipse the campaign trail with considerable baggage. And more often than not, that "baggage" has Star of David stickers plastered all over it. In this respect, RFK Jr appears to be no different. Unless of course, as you suggest, he may be playing a longer game, knowing full well that getting the Oval Office gig is unlikely to materialise without the 'berakhah' of our "Hebrew" brethren.
The latter being the case, Kennedy and his team will have their work cut out for them. The "brethren"--being the quintessential players of the "long game"--will see any sleight of hand herein coming from a mile off. After all, they're masters of the art. As we're wont to say here Down Under, "No-one comes within a coo-ee!"' -- GM
Will you address Joseph Kennedy's support of McCarthy and JFK's support of Nixon? BTW RFK senior was counsel for HUAC. Both RFK and JFK were huge red-baiting union busters in Massachusetts.
Will you be addressing JFK's Alliance for Progress?
The hagiography around the Kennedy's is pure fiction, particularly that surrounding JFK.
Worship of leaders is a technique of indoctrination that goes back to the crazed George Washington cult of the 18th century and to the Reagan cult, to the truly lunatic Obama Hopium cult, up to the present day deranged Trump cult.
The Kennedy/Camelot cult is another example of this indoctrination.
Will you address Joseph Kennedy's support of McCarthy and JFK's support of Nixon? BTW RFK senior was counsel for HUAC. Both RFK and JFK were huge red-baiting union busters in Massachusetts.
Will you be addressing JFK's Alliance for Progress?
The hagiography around the Kennedy's is pure fiction, particularly that surrounding JFK.
Worship of leaders is a technique of indoctrination that goes back to the crazed George Washington cult of the 18th century and to the Reagan cult, to the truly lunatic Obama Hopium cult, up to the present day deranged Trump cult.
The Kennedy/Camelot cult is another example of this indoctrination.
I think he also might be getting advice from attorney, Robert Barnes, who also spews the same BS about Israel. I was in his locals group for a while, but had to unsubscribe after hearing his take on Israel (basically sounded in line with Dershowitz).
As far as I understood, his campaign manager is Dennis Kucinich which makes his views in direct opposition to those of Kucinich.
Oh, that's right, I remember reading that.