Aug 23, 2022Liked by vanessa beeley

So much for all their foreign Wars for democracy & freedom of speech etc. ...just see what they are doing at home. They must be getting increasingly desperate. How could one best describe this? - tyranny, a coup, a mafia, a "business junta", a dictatorship ...or what? It's obviously a massive attack to shut down any dissent & real debate because they are seriously losing the battle of ideas & public support ..I'm hopeful more & more people will see this for what it obviously is...Cheers VB & to all the other heroic folks standing up for some semblance of Justice & Human Rights for all.

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Oct 15, 2022·edited Oct 15, 2022Author

Oh yes. Lets all self censor. How courageous. I notice you are subscribed to a huge number of alternative Substacks but not one single paid subscription. You are also one of the most prolific commenters on my Substack. Odd combination. Keep going with your insinuations and undermining remarks I will ban you. You are bringing nothing to the discussion at all, also odd if you do genuinely listen to and follow all the accounts you are subscribed to.

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Tell me who you are and I might have greater sympathy. Right now you are an anonymous account with very little of any value to say apparently. Prove me wrong.

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by vanessa beeley

So much for freedom of speech and the press.

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There isn't any, except possibly here. And that is because relatively free read these Substack essays. "We will tolerate dissent so long as it is not effective". By a well known political leader.

Further discussed here . . . https://les7eb.substack.com/p/great-game-ukraine-long-proxy-war

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There never truly was freedom of the press with Western Mainstream Media.

That comes with a long track record of subtle control.

As for these independent sources, we'll see just how long they last..

Say, ones like this . . . https://les7eb.substack.com/

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by vanessa beeley

An important article Vanessa, thank you.

Also, I have been enjoying the photos and videos of Syria that you have put up on Telagram. It looks like a beautiful place, I would love to visit.

Are you aware of Ralph Ellis’s ‘Jesus,king of eddessa’ book and theory? It is a controversial work but very interesting and relevant to the history of the region. Thanks, sam

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I will look it up for sure, thanks.

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Aug 23, 2022·edited Aug 23, 2022Liked by vanessa beeley

When one does an Internet Search for "Ukraine War" in the USA, one gets an endless list of supposed Russian atrocities. A truly WOKE individual would come away believing that Russia is intentionally shooting missiles at its own troops at the nuclear plant and that American mercenaries paid to kill Russians are heroes.

It is worth noting that Ukraine signed the UN agreement regarding mercenaries and, despite the West's media reports painting them as the saviors of democracy, all mercenaries captured by Russia should be executed.

Most conveniently ignore Ukraine's Nazi history and the fact that the CIA led a revolution in Kiev eight years ago that has led to the persecution and murder of Russia-supporting Ukrainians in the east of Ukraine which ultimately led to the current (acknowledged) war.

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by vanessa beeley

Thank you for exposing this. Protection and blessings.

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by vanessa beeley

I had not put together the strands regards the hotel and the appalling Mensch. I admire your sangfroid as these are powerful and seemingly desperate protagonists behind the scenes as, one presumes, in Syria.

All best.

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by vanessa beeley

Yes, cheers, Vanessa. But now we should all be concerned that some of our best people might find themselves dismissed and disappeared. That’s already happening in Germany.

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by vanessa beeley

Incredible article my dear friend!

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What's legal is not law.

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Vanessa, I not only follow you, I pray for you. I cover you in the blood of Christ, and thank God to surround you with his angelic armies. I just love your courage. You are a shining example to all.

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Thank you for your kind words. I do my best. Your thoughts are hugely appreciated xxx God bless.

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The arsehokes who are backing those nazi Ukraine'n basterds need to be shot.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

Thank you, Vanessa, for all your great work.

"Formerly, people rushed to embrace totalitarian states. Now they rush to embrace the therapeutic state. When they discover that the therapeutic state is about tyranny, not therapy, it will be too late."

From "Pharmacracy" by Thomas Szasz and cited by this author in a little ditty called "Discernment, Disease and the Destruction of Reality."


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I appreciate your opinions although I have different views but please would you not use my platform as somewhere to promote your ideas and Substack. Thank you. If people want to read it they can find it for themselves, myself included.

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I appreciate being able to search for it myself. :-)

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You are a propagandist and a fool. Please explain how Edward Snowden's decision to alert the world about the American government's illegal spying program is evidence that he is as evil as you pretend Elon Musk is.

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Clue me in, Michael. What is the 9/11 "truth litmus test"?

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by vanessa beeley

Whether Assange is a 'truther' or not does not negate his and Wikileaks' excellent work exposing other Western war crimes. You're throwing the baby out with the bath water.

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