Would China or Russia be able and willing to stop this insanity? Saudi Arabia? The super wealthy elites there would not allow their annihilation?

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Russia and China will not intervene at this stage, the most they can do or will do is to support Iran with defence strategy, technology and from Russia, weapons.

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Saudi Arabia is on the brink of normalisation with the Zionist entity - https://thecradle.co/articles/soft-normalization-saudi-arabia-quietly-engages-with-israel

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Israel would without a doubt use nukes and the only country that did was its pal and war Hungary USA , what have we done with creating Israel was to end the world as we knew it like Frankenstein was created to all you fun loving Zionist and Christian Zionist you fools

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"Today, at the age of 80, I must confess that to me the question of the decadence, the degeneration, of Judaism and of the majority of the Jews of our time, transcends all other international problems. Zionism as it is manifested in the national-socialist expansionist ambitions of a Greater Eretz Israel empire under the excuse of 'secure boundaries' has become unwittingly the most dangerous world issue ... as a result of Zionist machinations in the United States - their propaganda, their hold on the Jewish voters and more importantly, on Jewish contributions to political campaigns. The Zionist Jews must have ... their "Jewish" national homeland, which as a result of easy military victories has escalated into an ambition of a Greater Eretz Israel empire, in accordance with the seventy-five year old grand design of Dr. Herzl - and if not .... then an apocalyptic, catastrophic 'Armageddon', in the spirit of a blind Samson who pulls down the house. I am a man possessed by this monstrous Jewish problem: how long can the arrogant, greedy and anachronistic nationalistic children of the 3000 year-old civilization of prophetic Judaism continue to be misled into worshipping their nationalistic Moloch, so late in history, after National Socialism in Germany has learned the hard way ... that depraved and predatory political nationalism does not pay in the end."

Moshe Menuhin (1893-1982), "Jewish critics of Zionism : a testamentary essay, with the stifling and smearing of a dissenter", 1974.


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