Sep 9Liked by vanessa beeley

Until all Arab nations acknowledge publicly that the US/Israel genocidal coalition is actively crushing economic and civil progress , they will achieve nothing. Do Palestinians still have a "Gaza" dream in their heads? The US/Israel hammer has decimated a once livable mini-state to a pile of rubble in a sandbox. Do any citrus trees remain? Can one olive grove be saved? Syria predates this false Israeli state, yet respect for Syria's sovereignty, rich culture and physical beauty is lost on these hollow, contrived Western aggressors. Thank you for your report, Vanessa. It is regrettable that Israel is again provoking a non-aligned neighbor - the US will deny participation, and Russia cannot fight this blood thirsty Western enemy on two fronts. Stay safe and positive. This time, Israel must not, cannot, prevail.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Author

Hi Alex, if you look through my Substack you will find the Palestinian vision of a One Democratic State very well laid out. Israel has been provoking Syria for decades.

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Sep 9Liked by vanessa beeley

Thank you!

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Sep 10Liked by vanessa beeley

Excellent coverage, Vanessa. Keep up this good, detailed in-depth reporting. I happened to speak to a Syrian government official here on Vancouver Island, Duncan, yesterday and because of your prompt reporting and your email to me I was able to give my commiserations. My heart goes out to all those suffering and martyred; victims of horrendous war-crimes. Through this report I am able to understand Russia's actions and strategic policies. God Be With You, Vanessa and keep you safe and protected. May God shine his gracious face upon you. Thanks again and kind regards Joan Novak, B.C. Canada. People here are however and also in Europe waking up. j.

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I wish I didn't have to report on these never ending tragedies but I am thankful that it enabled you to offer commiserations to a Syrian diplomat. God bless these people for resisting the machinations of the Axis of Evil for so many years. x

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Thank you for your replied comment and your recognition of my post; I feel so honoured.

An aside, Vanessa, several months ago you and Mike on your Wednesday news show briefly discussed George Galloway and mentioned a negative incident that he was in. Would you mind telling me what that was as I watch George quite regularly though of late I have been far too busy to watch his 3 shows on youtube. I like him and his guests; however I do not wish to be deceived nor hoodwinked. So could you tell me more, Vanessa, so that I may exercise an informed opinion of him. I will likely continue to watch him when I have the time as I like his guests particularly Richard Medhurst and the Israeli writer and activist now residing in the U.S. whose name escapes me, but his father was part of the Israeli military. His guests are very varied and so informative as well George does give some up to date news. However, I would like to know what I am dealing with here.

I enjoy very much watching new extras on a Wednesday; in these dark days for both the UK and Syria it is refreshing to see you all laugh and to see and hear the dogs waking up. How many dogs do you have now and the youngest is such a good-looking princess of a dog. Keep up your good work. Do you need any help with food donations? Don't hesitate to ask.

Kind regards and thanking your for your brilliant news coverages and videos,

Joan Novak, B.C. Canada.

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