Feb 19, 2023Liked by vanessa beeley

A truly shocking disclosure which will never be made on the MSM.

I feel so much disgust and anger at what this country has had to endure.

Thank you for your work.

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It is abhorrent and I am shocked at this behavior.

We need to stress that there are Zionists and there are Jews who are not Zionists. There is a perception that all Jews are Zionists and that is not true at all.

The we can look at how to dismantle Zionism.

When all Jews are targeted and labeled it becomes problematic especially when the politically weaponized term "apartheid" enters the fray.

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Whatever. It's not our job to make these little definitions. It's up to Jews to fix it, now. I'm not playing your tedious little games. Have some dignity.

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The elite Zionists who rule Israel and the supporters in diaspora organizations have overtly and covertly equated being Jewish with being a Zionist, period. If you even criticize certain policies of Israel, a self-proclaimed Zionist national political entity, you're anti-Semitic. If you're Jewish and do so, you're still anti-Semitic (a "self-hating" Jew, which some have called "even worse."). The acceptance of this "fact" is probably the solid majority feeling in Israel today. That does not mean the majority of Jews -- mostly poor -- in say, Russia 250 years ago -- felt this way. As Israel Shahak researched, the elites and rabbinical class (before the political term Zionism) exploited and treated "their own" like crap back then. As for Syria "supporting Nazis," that, if true, was probably as widespread as Zionist Jews supporting Nazis:


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Your comment deserves perusing, Frendo. Right now I'm hammered.

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Have you read the Talmud or practiced Judaism? All Jews are Zionists since their beliefs are centered around the persecution and cruelty towards all non-jews.

They weren't told to mass murder non-jews out of nowhere, it came from celebrations about killing non-jews like Passover and Hannukah. Christianity and Islam at least had good apples (good pagans, gentiles, jews), Judaism has absolutely no good example of non-jews and it is why they're treated as animals with no soul.

Unless if you're disowned like Israel Shahak was for his activism against Israel, you're fulky complicit. All Jewish anti-zionists put more effort into attacking non-jews and defending violent zionists than you do with anti-zionism. Why are we told to donate to NGOs instead of giving Israel sanctions like we immediately do with Russia? Why aren't there antifa rallies where IDF/Mossad soldiers are doxed or assaulted like many leftist jews do with non-jews?

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What an ignorant comment

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It's not incorrect, the Talmud is insanely disgusting in it's attitude towards non jews, it justifies stealing, killing, manipulating and lying and so much worse towards non jews/gentiles/goyim. Maybe stop commenting your own ignorance and read the breakdown of those passages, it even admits they killed Christ for "wizardry" under a jewish court

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The comment may be incorrect, however, deriding it as 'ignorant' does not refute it. Make an argument to show why you think Israel Shahak is wrong, and try not to use the term 'anti-semite' or its derivatives - that stick is well and truly broken.

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Thank you, see my other comment and the links I posted.

I try and be fair with the Chris Langan links (giving everyone a chance to repent), as there are a few like Brother Augustine who convert to Christianity and expose the evils of their former tribe.


Or like Bobby Fischer.

“First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.”

– Bobby Fischer

“My basic thesis is that the Jews are a criminal people, and the Jews completely control the United States, and the Jews are using the United States as a vehicle to take over the world.”

– Bobby Fischer

A handful (the "White Jews") fought along side us against the Bolsheviks as well. But again, this equals probably not even 1% of the total.


Unfortunately, most believe this from the Talmud, that we are lesser spiritual beings who can do no good according to their hermetic-kabbalist cult system from Babylon.


While they believe they can do no evil.


Babylonian pharisees



The plan to "destroy Amalek"


They believe their "messiah" will only return when Whites/Christians are exterminated



Solj warned


Dostoyevsky warned



1918 jewish led bloody communist revolution of Germany...





I tried to warn my people, God knows I tried.

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No I haven't and and I have not practiced Judaism. However I do have Jewish family. My Grandfather was a Jew but Married a Christian woman. My fathers Parents. My fathers sister married a Jew and was converted. In my experience with the Jewish family as Christians we were treated as family.

It is irrelevant however and let me explain. When one generalizes about a nation their whole argument falls apart. It only takes one of the accused to expose it.

Klein said: “Communists control not only our government but our politics, our labor organizations, our agriculture, our mines, our industries, our war plants and our armed encampments….Antisemitism is a racket…”

Shortly before his “suicide” in 1955, Henry H. Klein, a righteous Jew, uttered these prophetic words:

“Zionism is a political program for the conquest of the world…Zionism destroyed Russia by violence as a warning to other nations. It is destroying the United States through bankruptcy, as Lenin advised. Zionism wants another world war if necessary to enslave the people. Our manpower is scattered over the world. Will we be destroyed from within or will we wake up in time to prevent it?” (Pamphlet “Zionism Rules the World”)

But Zionism is just one arrow in the Illuminati quiver, which includes Freemasonry, most religions including fundamentalist Islam (Salafis/Wahabis,) Intelligence agencies, corporations, governments, foundations, think tanks, the mass media, education, NGO’s etc. Essentially they have control over money and everyone dances to their tune, while oozing unction. They pit their various agents against each other in order to achieve their goal, the degradation and enslavement of mankind.

It’s hard to say whether the Illuminati expresses a Pharisee Jewish need to control the world, or a Satanic one, or whether there is a difference between the two. But one thing is clear. Like everyone else, Jews like Henry Klein have an innate connection to God. Once we realize we are victims of a monstrous hoax, we can follow Klein’s example and express His Spirit anew.

The post was by Henry Makow, Ph.D.

Full article here. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2023/02/19/a-jewish-martyr-exposed-communist-control-of-the-us/

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The "good" jews that expose their own people are extremely rare, Bobby Fischer, for example or David Cole, but the VAST majority of them have no problem with jews ruling banking, controling 96% of our media, controlling both sides of "democracy" etc.

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How does an Israeli war crime and deliberate murder of Syrian civilians get turned into an intellect bending discussion on good Jews vs bad Jews? Would be really nice to see unmitigated condemnation of the endless unlawful aggression against a people that has endured 11 years hybrid war that Israel majorly contributed to and some of the most vindictive economic measures ever weaponised against a sovereign nation.

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Nature of the beast, literally; to be crass.

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The problem, as Chris Langan states, is that there's a tribal instinct for most to protect their own at all costs, so very few will call out Zionism and their NWO plan which includes exterminating Whites and Christians according to the Babylonian Talmud.

Langan agrees the low level ones are being used as human shields.


And hopes we can find a way to pry these two apart.


NWO pledged to Jews (New York Times)


You will own nothing and you will be happy origin (Babylonian Talmud)


We love persecution, it justifies offense (think false flags)


If regular jews want to join the rest of humanity, they must call out the Talmudic plan of White and Christian genocide for global takeover, because it's getting quite obvious now.

Every war, is a banker war


We know what that hexagram really is as well.

Dr. Peter Hammond - The Truth Behind the six-pointed star (Saturn/Moloch worship warned about in Acts 7:43 and Amos 5:26)


We know the truth about slavery also, it was them.



We are warning everyone around us, friends, family, churches, local businesses, doing this by flyers, emails, and meetings. They have to STOP this RIGHT NOW.

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Complete lie, first off zionism is fairly new, yet Jews got expelled from 109 nations over 1030 times for their behavior over history for usury, blood libel, pushing anti Christian propaganda, spreading drugs, starving farmers etc etc. This idea that Jews are not all zionist is a lie, the vast majority of Jews support Israel, despite it being a criminally stolen state from Palestinians.

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023

Exactly. As the rapper mentioned; 95% of Jews in apartheid israel approved the last attack on Gaza. That's a nuclear power unleashing a little on a fvcking carpark which is 44% children.

It's not up to us to fix it: Jews need to fix it, now.

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

No its not a complete lie. Who expelled them? Let me help you. It was no other than those who were colluding with the Anglo-American establishment, i.e., the Venetian Black Nobility who is the Vatican the Holy Roman Empire.

No go and research where the 1st Zionist Congress was held and by whom?

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Could you please have this argument somewhere else. Thanks

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FOAD Capice?.

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Truly sickening. I’m telling people that donating to the usual big “charities” could be having a negative effect on the region, not the positive one that they assume it would. Now I’m starting to hear more rumblings (seriously, no pun intended) about the earthquake being man-made as a warning to Erdoğan for his veto on Sweden’s accession to NATO etc. After the past 3 years nothing would surprise me.

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That's interesting. I was going to comment earlier today that I've started (big deal) replying to requests from international charities that The White Helmets are interfering with public sympathies in the vain hope an attack from this flank might be effective in countering the cynical ploy Western intelligence has concocted.

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I am inclined to agree with you There was someone on Twitter who appeared to be from the Middle East that mentioned the possibility that the earthquake was purposefully created and included the use of HAARP. I will try to find the tweet again.

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Not going to believe in HAARP starting an earthquake as big as the recent Turkey quake. So skeptical am I that my first thoughts were, Manmade. Then to my relief, this researcher opened up a whole new way to find information on quakes. I live on the San Andreas fault and have for my lifetime been told about the Big One to send California into the Pacific. Look for yourself and believe in this proven(?) theory: https://ssgeos.org/

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As did the countries of "the west" especially the U.S. which continues to occupy the oil fields and fertile agricultural lands of Syria whilst they reinforce their inhuman sanctions against the Syrian people. As Vanessa continues to report, this means that electricity to greater Syria is limited to 2-3 hours per day and gas to heat homes, along with petrol for vehicles is scarce and unaffordable for most.

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Really Disgusting. Thank you for your work.

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I agree as well with myself. You may control the material matter but you never, ever, control the mind. Cheers 😉

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The problem is that the “historical narrative “ of Israel and Syria has been perpetuated to the people by a corrupt media and leadership. There is no way to determine who is in the “right”. “There is none righteous no not one. We do have factual evidence that Jefferey Epstein was deeply connected to Israeli intelligence and the Mosad. We are living in the end of this age and I’ll tell u why. While reading Daniel 8 in the Bible we can see clearly as it states, “...in the latter part of the kingdom when transgressors are come to full...”. The absolute worse sin is sin against innocent children, the Bible states this several times. In specific, Matthew 18:6 states that if you harm children you should tie a millstone around your neck and jump in the sea. God is very clear about sin against children and it is the highest form of evil. Satan has deceived all of these powerful and influential leaders into believing that they are some sort of higher life form than common man and that our children are commodities to them and they can do with them as they choose. If the common people don’t wake up to this fact then we have no hope in combatting the evil! We need to get deeply engulfed in the scripture and recognize that everything happening is written from thousands of years ago and all the players mentioned are here in our current time. Put on the whole armor of God! Right now it appears that a Global governance is forming and for most average Christians that aren’t head first in the Bible’s teachings about the end times, they are thinking that the antichrist comes out of this global theatre.

Go back and read Daniel 8 and Revelation 13! It states specifically that the antichrist being in control of a beast will destroy the mighty and holy people. I believe this is stating the “mighty people” as a separate group from the “holy people”. All of the government leaders and famous elites are currently being exposed, mainly through Twitter/Twitter files. The new owner of Twitter, I believe, purchased it just for this purpose. Satan is the father of all lies, we must keep that close to our hearts if we wish to see who the true deceiver is right now. Think about it, Twitter is putting out loads of data and incriminating evidence against major leaders and elites, soon they will be up on trial but I believe they will cause mass destruction and death on the road to justice. All that needs to happen now is a major catastrophe that will effect the lives of all earths inhabitants and perhaps the one who exposed all the evil will be looked at as a “savior”. Think about the praise someone would get if they put an end to the trafficking of children in this world or at least exposed it on a mass scale. Satan will continue to prey on our emotions and manipulate small trusting minds. Keep reading Gods word and you will renew your minds against the deception! God Bless🙏🌎

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Thank you. Pure evil.

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What has and is going on in Syria is pure evil. My thoughts, prayers and heart are with you and the Syrian people. Please take good care Vanessa. 🙏

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Shocking, disappointing, infuriating... but perfectly in keeping with expectations.

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If it weren't for the actions of the IDF there'd be a lot less agitation & propaganda.

I'm a white British person, but that doesn't make me chose to be deliberately ignorant of British history re slavery or colonialism. Just because I am British does not mean I should defend the cruelty & criminality of my ruling classes just because they too are British.

Given the recent alignment of Israel with immigrant hating, Brexit loving folks like Tommy Robinson, Ukip, Britain First & the like, I'd be more concerned about that than any claims about Syrians siding with nazi's. Israel is also a major supporter of the fascists presently trying to defend their country against Russia.

I'm afraid whether we like it or not, we have problems with our leaders propagandising us, deceiving us, drawing us into wars & generally disturbing the peace. Anyone seeking to defend their authorities is equally engaged in the same.

All strictly in my own personal opinion.

Best wishes.

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Zionazi bastards. Truly they are the Devil's own. They and their IMPERIALIST allies.

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pure evil ....have no words

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Yes you are right. Just as some Christians are not Christians and some people are good and some are bad. During the holocaust Ashkenazi Jews who were not Zionists were also put in the camps and many died. The evil Ashkenazi Jews who are truly evil are controlled by satan. Just as people are people and good are good and evil are evil some of every faith will be saved and the evil will perish.

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The Israeli military and their leaders are Ashkenazi Jews who are not Jews at all but Khazarians who are of Turkish and Mongolian genetic and not Hebrew in any sense. The Khazarisns faked converting to the Hebrew faith in 750 but this was only a ruse to capture and take the holy land and destroy the true Hebrews. They are satanists and are concerned only with destroying GODs creation and humanity.

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Not all are Ashkenazi Jews, and not all Ashkenazi Jews are Zionists. You are confused.

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I have no real insight into this situation, but what you’re saying has a ring of truth to it. I join Vanessa in condemning the bombing of civilians. But it’s good to at least hear the possibility of the reasons behind it all.

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"The Israeli attack is not an isolated incident. The earthquake whether natural or manmade is being exploited by the Globalist cabal to step up the war effort against the Syrian government, military and allies that have repelled one of the most concerted regime change efforts in modern history that began in 2011." Thank you for your continued objective reporting.

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I know that all Ashkenazi jews are evil. It is the Khazarian Mafia that is the true evil, but who is who.

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Yes the ashkenazi or Khazarians migrated into eastern europe and began again their evil ways of murdering people and taking their identity. Which led to the Russian revolution and the French revolution controlled by ashkenazi jews and masons.

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