NATO countries running out of weaponry is a ruse in order to justify increasing already overblown defense budgets which are financed by borrowing and subsequently empower the creditor even more power and influence over the rubbery sellouts that constitute supposedly democratic institutions.

Say no to NATO.

The relationship between the Zionist and the Nazi's was exposed as early as 1932, unfortunately it's an ongoing one - see Israel’s Secret Plan for a «Second Israel» in Ukraine - https://strategic-culture.org/news/2014/12/03/israel-secret-plan-for-second-israel-in-ukraine/

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That was a very interesting video thank you, which leaves one wondering what game VP is playing.

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Actually pre 1932. If you watch the video.

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You realize that Vanessa Beeley is a Reporter and not an arbiter of good and evil?

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'if it were not for the nazis israel would not exist' - the balfour agreement was 1917 however european jews had no desire to 'sell up' and migrate to israel as the jews were not peasant farmers in europe but the business class - there were schemes for jews to take their capital to israel - the poem by the lutheran minister 'First they came for'...states that they came for the 'socialists and then trade unionists before they came for the jews - the crimes of the nazis are used to influence public opinion and support for israel which may not be accurate

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Let's take that a step further. The real crime was in forcing European jews out of their homes, imprisoning them in camps for the duration of the war , so as to populate a future Israel post war.

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Isn't it quite obvious the Brit Empire meddles?

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Vanessa Beeley spoiled what could have been an important program by referring to Zionists and Nazis as far right. Moses Hess, who helped Karl Marx write The Communist Manifesto, proposed Zionism in his book, Rome and Jerusalem. Hess is buried in Israel. The Nazis were national socialists. There is nothing right about communists and socialists. I suggest that Vanessa define and give an example of her beloved left wing. For a better analysis, read The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt.

In 1934, there was a medal issued: Nazi-Zionist Cooperation Medal. The Nazis wanted Jews to leave Germany.

In 1944, Rudolf Kastner did not tell Hungarian Jews that Nazi trains would take them to gas chambers, not to resettlement camps. In 1954 and 1955, there was the Kastner trial in Jerusalem. Read Perfidy by Ben Hecht.

Vanessa lost credibility, also, by shilling for the Russians. While Syrians should be grateful for some Russian support, they should not be grateful for Russia’s allowing Israeli attacks on Syria. Russia has business projects in Israel, such as Gazprom Israel. Russia does not support the Palestinians.

Professor David Miller’s analysis of the war in Ukraine did not include a definition of what winning the war means. As a professor for more than 40 years, I am disappointed that any professor could provide such a weak analysis.

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What could have been a useful discussion was ruined by "shilling for Russia". Unlike you, I live in Syria and have a far better understanding of the Russian role than you do apparently. You might disagree but why do you need to become patronizing and reductionist. How does that help? As a Professor you should know that. https://youtu.be/Ua0pHI3F3xw

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I posted a lengthy reply to the earlier program that you have cited. Your analyst did not demonstrate or claim any military expertise. Instead, he made vague references to strategy in the game of chess. I noted that I started playing tournament chess at age 10 and did not find useful his analysis.

Please do not suggest that anyone who disagrees with you has a video game perception of war. I served in Vietnam in the United States Army. I know something about war.

Please do not dodge the point that others have been making about Russia. Russia is able to prevent Israeli attacks on Syria. As a supporter of Syria, I have been relying upon you to provide facts about Syria that the Zionist-controlled media in America do not disclose. You hurt your credibility when you defend the Russians in the wrong. The Russians have helped Syria. Please provide more examples. However, please do not support the Russians in the wrong.

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I have responded to such points multiple times including in the conversation with Brian. Perhaps you are too busy trying to continue trying to discredit me to have actually listened to what I said. Brian is former US military which you would know if you checked him out. Russia has made mistakes, dealing with Israel is not one of them. Others I have spoken about quite openly, even in an article published by RT. Now unless you want to beat your chest a bit more I suggest you stop trolling my Substack as its clearly such a disappointment for you.

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Paul Sheldon Foote is a professor of accounting at California State University Fullerton and to be a Vietnam vet must be at least 70. While he is entitled to his opinion he is no expert in the various situations he refers to, only an observer.

However he is correct that National Socialism and Mussolini Fascism were left parties. Calling them 'far right' is typical Left obfuscation, in the same way the fox's tail ("brush") sweeps away his own footprints. Today's EU and Biden administration are pure Trotskyist left.

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The Nazi's pretended to be Socialist.

Aren't you aware that Wall Street bailed out a bankrupt Nazi party?

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Professor Anthony C. Sutton wrote an entire book, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. I suggest that you provide the names of the investment bankers and bankers and their motives.

Socialists and fascists control or own the means of production. In 1911, Robert Michels wrote Political Parties, a book about the iron law of oligarchy. He left Germany to go to Italy to advise the fascists.

Professor Sutton wrote also Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. American Jewish investment bankers and bankers helped to finance the communist takeover of Russia. In Wilson’s War by Jim Powell, you can read the details about how President Woodrow Wilson’s government provided false documents to Trotsky so that Trotsky could return to Russia for the Russian Revolution.

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Suggest you do your own home work.

Wall $treet would never have bailed out a Socialist government.

Since you are attempting to push the notion that Hitler was a Socialist he wasn't anything even remotely close to resembling a Socialist.

Try far right fascist and remember that the merger between government and business is also known as fascism.

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True. Schiff's bank in NYC also provided Trotsky with 300 paid fighters and several millions in gold when he set sail for Russia.

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Maybe off point, but did you ever find it odd that during the 30's & 40's the Deutschland NASD socialist party of Hitler was called "Nazis" as a slur while they were persecuting the Ashekenazis of Europe & Russia?

A house divided can't stand, as we're witnessing in Ukraine, & now Israel. The rich Ashekenazi that bought their way out & fled to Palestine from Germany pre & post WW2 have a hell of a lot in common with the thieving oligarchs who after raping Russia in the 90s were given the boot by Putin, left for Israel/ Palestine and are pulling the same routine on the ethnic Mizraim. I suspect when ukr is bled to death they'll be another influx of very rich Ashkenazi oligarchs heading that way. Maybe sooner than later, as Israel boils over fronm intestinal conflict. This time, Palestinians may be able to just kick back & watch history repeat itself.

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I hate Spelcheque. "Intestinal" should read as "internal". I suppose anal would work too.

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Collisions may form collaborations of sorts. This FIAT collapse won't expose fragility. The unforgiveable part has already happened.

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Has the UK told you, Vanessa, which correspondent award you will be nominated for in 2023? LOL.

(I propose the coveted ‘Line Judge: Calls it As She Sees It’) Keep on keeping us up.

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Worth reading: Voltaire Reseau 23 June 2023 : Alliance Between "revisionist Zionists" and "Integral Nationalists" Confirmed https://www.voltairenet.org/article219532.html

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canada so often gets left out of the narrative as some "little guy". but if Freeland becomes the new head of NATO, she'll drop the gloves and you'll really see what a war monger is. Au Canaduh

this is a pretty comprehensive article if you want to know more abt Chrystia


Who is Chrystia Freeland, Washington’s “prime candidate” for NATO Secretary-General?

Roger Jordan

8 November 2022

Has a decision actually been made yet??

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Au Canaduh! Chrystia Freeland just today is harassing the new mayor of Toronto, Olivia Chow over refugees of all things:


Chrystia Freeland, the deputy prime minister and finance minister, fired off a letter Monday morning to Chow’s office after the mayor and Premier Doug Ford demanded that Ottawa foot the bill to resolve a crisis in refugee housing."

Chrystia is the grand daughter of a Nazi collaborator in Ukraine and loves Bandera. Canada has the largest Ukrainian population outside Ukraine and this lobby CUC is wealthy and influential. Chrystia is the boss on Parliament Hill, Trudeau is a zombie puppet who just loves Israel. Canadian Jews are another populous, wealthy, influential lobby in Canada, probably #1. I know it seems really weird to link Nazis and Jews but that is historical and current. the sinister ties are irrefutable.

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John Helmer did a deep dive on Chrystia from the moment she appeared at Dances With Bears. Go to website and search her name. CF also a Soros acolyte.

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Not suggesting a definite connection but AshkeNAZI and Nazi....strange coincidence..

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Vanessa, the home of Chabad (ie Lubevitch) is also in today's Ukraine - founded in 1775 in Dnepropetrovsk which was then Lithuania. It is the largest hasidic sect in the world and Dnepropetrovsk hosts the largest jewish centre in the world, the Menorah centre. Rebbe Schneerson was head of the sect for 44 years , emigrated to the US in the 60s with many of his followers, where among other things he convinced the US gov to legalise the Noahide laws. Worth reading the Wikipedia entry for once.

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"But more generally, in the Zionist movement today there has been a concerted attempt to minimize the presence and political influence of Nazis in Ukraine."

ye analysis and commentary would be simplified in just describing them as;

israeli mafi/jewish vs ukr mafia vs russian mafia, german/eu mafia.

not my observations as i follow slavsquat and slavisky on substack..

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