Vanessa, I noticed on your Telegram site that a lot of Syrian Doctor, Pharmacist, Engineer and Scientist's families were being targeted ie the educated class, and wondered if Al Jolani's men had a 'hit list' given to them by eg Mossad and/or Erdogan and/or MI6. Of course, they are now targeting whole villages & towns. What do you think? In another post you quoted Boaz Bismuth, Chairman of the Israeli NSC who said "Syria must be completely subordinate to us, just like Jordan" It looks as if the Israelis are the most determined to impose their will for the completion of the Greater Israel Project, and Turkey is giving them its helping hand rather than looking to confront Israel.

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I can’t believe it that the EU has invited terrorist Jolani to Brussels. This confirms all the BS on diversity and the rest from EU and UK is bogus posturing.

I remember seeing the Palestinian Lebanese writer Elias Khoury relating at a book festival that his Christian Palestinian grandmother telling him one thing he must never forget is “Never trust the British”. She had seen the British betrayal of the Palestinians. British elites could not care two hoots about minorities, including Christians, if they can profit with alliances with corrupt Arab satraps like Saudi and other Gulf states.

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