I am so glad that you managed to make contact with your friend Vanessa, even though the news was grim for himself and family and so many others. His story brought me to tears even though I'm aware of what is going on.

I see so many houses around me all getting ready for Christmas and I honestly wonder "how can you". That is probably wrong of me because others are entitled to what they do, all I know is for myself, my heart remains with Palestine and Christmas will be spent with them in my heart as much as ever. One bonus of living alone, I can please myself.

I can only hope that your friend and thousands of others soon get the peace they deserve, that other countries make the pressure on Israel so immense that they stop their bombing and allow resources into Gaza. 🙏

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My heart goes out to Hussein and Omar and all the other Palestinians. I don't know that it's any comfort, but the world isn't silent and uncaring, only the publicized voices of media and puppet politicians. I hear from my daughters that something has irrevocably shifted in perceptions. My oldest works with older Jewish women in bereavement, and they are ashamed and embarrassed. My niece, I hear, sounds like me 20 years ago in her passion on Palestine. Their friends and co-workers, even baristas, all support Palestine and condemn Israel. The lie is no longer holding among the young or the old.

I feel that this is the turning point, although my heart breaks for those going through its nadir. Not just the breaking point for Israel but for the whole system of malevolent hegemony hiding behind them.

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I put out a call last week for people to join us in a prayer conference call for a ceasefire. I put it out on social media substack, Facebook and through email. It had a pitifully small response rate.

We will continue to pray for a ceasefire. A permanent ceasefire in Gaza and Ukraine.

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Vanessa, I'm directing all my former church donations to the people of Gaza. Do you have any idea who I can give this to?

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Many people are asking me what they can do. Unfortunately getting any aid into Gaza itself is virtually impossible. Nothing is being allowed in by the Zionist regime that has control of all borders even the Egyptian Rafah crossing. Please keep making a noise, write to MPs, write to the media, write to anyone who will listen. Share the information of Zionist genocidal atrocities. Go on the protests. Do not allow the pressure to be lifted on the criminals who are facilitating this slaughter. Door step MPs, address them in all public places possible. I understand fully the frustration you all feel and the deep well of sadness at not being able to prevent what is happening BUT the tide is turning and we have to be sure we are on the wave when it crashes down on the monsters who are perpetrating this genocide.

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Thank you Vanessa for this. It must be vital for your friend to be able to communicate with you. I pray that your friend makes it through all this. A brave man for sure. I am ashamed to live in a country (UK) and to have been born in another (US) that have such contempt for people.

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I feel so inadequate. I refuse to hide from what is happening but the feeling that there must be more I can do is almost overwhelming at times. Thank you, Vanessa, for bringing such a personal account - thoughts are with you and your friend

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Your friend is mistaken Vanessa , people do care; here in Australia there are many protest marches with angry supporters of Gaza demanding immediate peace. Donations are collected but we, ‘the people’ know that ‘our’ government are mere puppets who carry out the instructions of their masters.

Yes, we do care and we hurt when we see on TV what barbarism is inflicted on the people of Gaza. We console ourselves with the knowledge that the enemy will have ceased to exist in less than a year’s time and Palestine will be free.

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