Very good post. So urgently important to know this is a plan to take over the whole planet. It is a planetary civil struggle . It already was given a name by the puppet masters at the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM who termed it, with their Madison Avenue, slick advertising approach. It is according to the WEF - THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. Their slogans include “Build Back Better” & “You will have nothing and you will be happy.”

Kind of like when my twin grandsons declare victory in a tussle and declare “ It is mine, all mine”.

And just about that mature.

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Oct 9, 2022Liked by vanessa beeley

If you join EU... You loose first and mostly your sovereignty...This must be said and repeated...

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Oct 9, 2022Liked by vanessa beeley

Only because we collectively allow them.

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sad part is these city of london oligarchs are plundered and looted from centuries again and again of the sovereign nations of the world using the same play book but general population think that those are the saints and peace keepers of the world ...i think the main reason for that our western dominant education is the root course for this utter blindness' this education mainly creates dumb zombies rather than people which have some common sense

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As an Australian I welcome the Multipolar World Order as I see it a savior. I see it as a Blow to the World Economic Forum's Great Reset and I also see the End of US instigated Wars for my country to be caught up i. I see the New World as an opportunity for Australia to revert to a Self Sufficient Civilization State it was 50 years ago. When we once Manufactured our every need and being a Commodity rich continent I see this Multipolar World as a Huge advantage. I look forward to good relations with Russia and China in the coming years.

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Vanessa, can you please speak to "controlled opposition" and what about seeing the Russians as that? Truly, don't we really want to regain our philosophy of hierarchy with God, Man, then that which Man created (Government/Religion, Legal system) and reject that system back to Natural Law? (if our population isn't too far gone into the indoctrination of these machinations over the past centuries)... As per time known the Peace from the period of about 7 Centuries which Lester Howes speaks on behalf of Meredith M Quinn how the Dakotas were at the World Treaty signing in Europe after the Roman's had fallen - when was that 489 AD??? Whereby World Peace reigned for 7 Centuries - did it? Who knows anything is for real anymore???

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I feel most people don't get the enormous geopolitical change that has taken place since Russia's SMO. Russia has finished with the West permanently. The big thing is that its not just Russia. For all the gulf oil producing states the West has made it clear that they don't want their oil after 2030 and will be slowly cutting demand all the way to that date. It seems fairly clear if that Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran etc. are losing the Western market they will join together to develop sales in the rest of the world. A phenomenon which fits neatly with China's belt and road initiative.

Russia, China and India have talked about a 'fair world order' and it remains to be seen how genuinely they approach such arrangements. I think the global south and much of Asia along with a good many South American countries will join this growing alliance as the West carries on doubling down by committing economic and cultural suicide as the rest of the world watches them do so in bewilderment.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 9, 2022·edited Oct 9, 2022Liked by vanessa beeley
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