You would hardly believe the atmosphere here in Australia Vanessa! Our media has blocked out discussion of the genocide, while the Opposition demands that aid to UNRWA be stopped entirely. They also persist in talking about the attack on the US base 'in Jordan' and not mentioning the illegal part in Syria; in fact they don't mention Syria at all, as if it never happened. Destruction in Homs? Terrorists in Adra? Syria's support for Palestinians? But yes, send our shells to Ukraine, and continue helping Israel to defend itself without admitting it. take care, David

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That is so sad but getting nearly as bad in all of Europe now, UK obviously included there.

The police here in England tend to ignore most crimes but will happily roll up on your doorstep quickly if what you have said offends someone either verbally or in a post they have read somewhere.

It's getting to the point of all different opinions to the media led one is bad in the eyes of the law.

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Words are indeed starting to fail me, other countries must be aware of the not so hidden motives of them wanting UNRWA gone which indeed means they are complicit in what the people of Gaza are suffering, and of course Palestine in general.

As for that Kenneth Ballenegger on Twitter or the cursed X it has become, he is either someone like so many who have never visited Xinjiang or visited and prefers to keep up with the lies that have been going on for so long now. He needs to get on a plane and go visit, no special permits needed, the simplest thing to do. He might even find himself enjoying it.

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How very telling that the insistence on pulling the funding would come within 24 hours of the ICJ's express directive to cease and desist from actions set to harm the Palestinians. And in keeping with their manner - Israel's push to cut funding is based on dubious claim of 12 people participating in the October 7th attacks. Just like the attacks were a dubious affair that Israel ignored for 7 long hours.. setting the stage for the pretext of the assault we see unfolding in Gaza. The incredible ruthlessness of this nation belies the God that they serve, and it's not Jehovah.

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fking mind bogglingly sadistic, in fact.

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