There is nothing like the impunity, elitism, and narcissism of European colonialism, in the wake of its horrors of amputated limbs, severed heads, eviscerated bodies, and rape, while trading the horrors of wars and weapons for resources control, using the trade to oppress peoples by establishing puppet governments and vassal plutocracies. And now, think tanks rationalize everything done as though the gods owe them their supremacy because they invented a gun and cannon, becoming the nuclear threat that allowed them the spread of economic captivity around the world, ever, only, enriching a few, while enslaving the many. Great article, with honest contempt for those facilitating the colonial slaughter of children, in addition to blaming Iran, who is the victim of western aggression, shifting the responsibility for Israel’s actions and the European empire’s provocation for regional conflict to Iran. Like you said, they dared to be free in exercising their sovereignty by not handing over their oil to enrich the few. In there kleptocratic system, there is no upward mobility without selling your soul and humanity.

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Great comment!

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With just a couple of near associates degrees and one awarded in social work, I am a working class autodidact who gets his real education from life scholars and real life PhDs such as yourself who represent the unseen problems behind the aggression of monied interests and their paid politicians who have lost their humanity in trade for a better life for themselves (their happiness). Their happiness built in constructs of human domestication through violent oppression called civilization that most never realize but for the communicated wisdom of those who possess logical, intellectual, and compassionate intelligence (having collective understanding like yourself), which is the more sophisticated expression of humanity’s accumulated knowledge that should only be used for service to and not for the exploitation of another’s ignorance. However, what we see isn’t a service to humanity; conversely, we see the exploitation, which drives people down into the tar pit of darkness that is collectively economic slavery, which brings out the worst characteristics of humans extracted from indigenous lifestyles. And you and others are the front lines of that battle in teaching people like me that the horrors of our prosperity through colonialism and deceptive kleptocratic vassalized regimes, has a cost and a price paid in the decay of civilization (and also the ecosystem and the climate). And in that education, I thank you, for my having an understanding of our broader world—the understanding that gives birth to freedom and the resistance resistance that understanding makes resilient and persistent in turning exploitation into willing service, transforming their happiness into our collective joy. That is the revolution that you lead in the teachings of your communications. More than labor exploited, work is service, much like the fruits from trees that share life with all, freely. Greater than baring fruit, is the one who shapes the fruits born of others, teachers—who are one in you of all. My thanks for thoughts inspired.

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Your comment reminds me of something Thomas Sankara said "Thomas Sankara - As revolutionaries, we don't have the right to say we are tired of explaining. We must never stop explaining. We know that when the people understand, they cannot help but follow us.” I admit that it is sometimes frustrating that we have to repeat the knowledge over and over for people to fully grasp the concepts we are presenting but equally I know it is important to do so and I have the privilege of living in the cultures that I am trying to explain, most do not have such a blessing. Thank you for reminding me that it is worth keeping on, keeping on. :-) x

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Quick note…I picked up a copy of Thomas Sankara Speaks, and I now understand why I was terrorized in the military during the late eighties with what I am certain was a form of trauma based mind control while working with the MEAR Mobile Engineering And Repair team in embassies and consulates. To them, free minds and free people are the enemy. I apologize if this sounds strange, yet all these years later, because those three years were repressed as PTSD, I have it fresh in my mind trying to sort out that period and why they reacted to me like they did, and that solves part of the mystery: To them I was the enemy that they were fighting because the way my mind is wired. Again, I have to thank you for being an island of sanity, in a storm of oppression and human domestication. And according to my research, that storm is only twelve thousand years old and doesn’t represent the millions of years of our evolution, nor the tens of thousands of years of our social anthropology. The western model only serves a select few, which will result in the collapse of the human race, civilization, or will result in having built the body for a rebirth of the guiding mind that manages the system for the wellbeing of all the branches of the tree of life. <<~~I have to include our environment also.

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Yes, you are correct in repeating the message that reinforces the idea of freedom and begins as the seed in the mind who learns for the first time that freedom is more than what is offered by those who plant them in a job to farm their lives of the productive life force, holding them captive until the fruit is squeezed from them. We will always bear fruit, yet the health and autonomy of the fruit bearing person should be revered and respected, while life is enjoyed in service. The owners of humanity have socially engineered our belief system, making us believe it is all about money and power over others, but people came first, and saying it is all about money is like the chattel slave believing life is all about cotton, where both cotton and money are the condition of our enslavement through the commodification of our productive lives for the profit of another. Our fight is most valuable in securing the rights and freedoms of others through the appreciation of equity and equality as the limits, which guarantees everyone justice and liberty—no masters, and thus, no slaves. Our social constructs are man made, socially engineered by our owning class, which literally eats the poor and the laborer by systematically and institutionally creating the structures that become their shackles, locks, and fences with prisons for protesters and those who the evaporation of wealth from the economy by profit ejects or rejects, left to starve without the Eden of the commons or an alternative indigenous lifestyle available to them. Trump: yes the system is rigged, so vote for me to further rig the system to exploit you, and they all applaud like seals clambering for the trainer’s fish as a reward. These are the people who the repeated message acts like the knock on the door to be opened to come out of their mental cage as they see and hear you saying others struggling from beneath oppression have the right to live free in service outside of compulsion by violence or class caste or colonization or by cleaving the arms of their children for latex for tires. And that is the revolution of ideas in the freedom of the mind and then by changing the social environment. Others and myself, have voices like yours to thank for the hope of revolutionizing our experience. Thank you for sharing that quote as an inspiration. Revolution is a collective mind outside of ourselves that all the freedom seekers and fighters influence over time like a living spirit sparked by the analysis and wisdom that they leave behind. Until all are equally free, equality is meaningless , and freedom is little more than slavery for another who is caste in drudgery.

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Hasn't it gone to this "benighted" deluded ,dumbasses head ? Sir asshole , a misguided vicious turd injecting poison and stirring the pot. A traitor to peace and humanity.

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