Money and power follow each other from the dawn of our History. They are bedfellows that corrupt human dignity. We are all susceptible to corruption, but where the massive disconnect between genocide and atrocity is the level to which humans will go to not admit it. To double down means ever-increasing levels of deprave action to bolster the initial wrongdoing. Humans are hardwired on some level, when all is said and done, the perpetrator has to square the circle. Many IDF have gone home, unable to square the circle and committed suicide.
The Israelis will pay the ultimate price of the complete eradication of their society it will follow them throughout the world. When all is said and done, Muslim laws will pass judgment as the victors of what will be a long, hard war. The dawn of a new and just age will based on what we know to be antithetical of human nature.
An understanding about wealth and power and its corrupting effects, is the drive to domesticate human beings as we subjected nature and our own nature to the drives for power over other animals and reflexively and concomitantly over each other as sedentary agriculture and animal husbandry sociologically evolved. Religion was one of the first power pyramids used seeing Abrahamic faiths focusing power towards men by removing Goddesses. Human dominance over others is the hegemonic structure of human domestication. And we are lost in understanding our ancestors and world without understanding this 12,000 year old interpersonal competition to be more the master and less the slave that drives the hunger for more power, even to the obsession of narcissistic elitism that we see in the global struggle for power that throughs the lives of largely defenseless peoples like Palestine and Palestinians and all other states being subjected to what is the civilizing elite civilizing or, more accurately domesticating humans to bring them under their domestication or slavery. And the elite will willingly put down the animal that is unruly and resistant to oppression. Using a scheme of labeling, they call the free terrorist terrorizing the people already domesticated or murdered using genocide when the tribe is too large to make captive within the ecosystem of economic exploitation, which is the latest iteration of social engineering for human domestication, domination, and exploitation without respect for other cultures and their evolutionary history of social organization.
What is it going to take to clear away the old to make way for the new which includes all of us as the Chosen People? People like you and me. The old way will fall away like a dead skin for lies cannot live like the Truth.
What is it going to take to clear away the old to make way for the new which includes all of us as the Chosen People? People like you and me. The old way will fall away like a dead skin for lies cannot live like the Truth.
I just have to compliment you again for providing me an education every time I read your words of wisdom. I used to sit in class for months learning things that would or could be summarized in one of your elucidating articles. Even instinctively, I knew October 7th was based on a greater reality than the Zionist occupation getting terrorized by those who it turns out are being terrorized by a multinational effort to invade and colonize Palestine while completely removing Palestinians by either, ethnic cleansing or genocide. The MSM is pathological in their propaganda weaponized against a small population using the tyranny of the masses, who are ironically enslaved themselves. I often times believe the enslaved suffer a kind of frustration aggression that gets projected out onto the free who are still fighting for liberty, which aggression, when projected, allows the venting of their own slavery as though economic slavery is the natural order, but people are millions of years evolved, not just the declined evolution of the last 12,000 years of human development, ironically or euphemistically called civilization under plutocracy and wealth inequality maintained through kleptocracy.
Money and power follow each other from the dawn of our History. They are bedfellows that corrupt human dignity. We are all susceptible to corruption, but where the massive disconnect between genocide and atrocity is the level to which humans will go to not admit it. To double down means ever-increasing levels of deprave action to bolster the initial wrongdoing. Humans are hardwired on some level, when all is said and done, the perpetrator has to square the circle. Many IDF have gone home, unable to square the circle and committed suicide.
The Israelis will pay the ultimate price of the complete eradication of their society it will follow them throughout the world. When all is said and done, Muslim laws will pass judgment as the victors of what will be a long, hard war. The dawn of a new and just age will based on what we know to be antithetical of human nature.
An understanding about wealth and power and its corrupting effects, is the drive to domesticate human beings as we subjected nature and our own nature to the drives for power over other animals and reflexively and concomitantly over each other as sedentary agriculture and animal husbandry sociologically evolved. Religion was one of the first power pyramids used seeing Abrahamic faiths focusing power towards men by removing Goddesses. Human dominance over others is the hegemonic structure of human domestication. And we are lost in understanding our ancestors and world without understanding this 12,000 year old interpersonal competition to be more the master and less the slave that drives the hunger for more power, even to the obsession of narcissistic elitism that we see in the global struggle for power that throughs the lives of largely defenseless peoples like Palestine and Palestinians and all other states being subjected to what is the civilizing elite civilizing or, more accurately domesticating humans to bring them under their domestication or slavery. And the elite will willingly put down the animal that is unruly and resistant to oppression. Using a scheme of labeling, they call the free terrorist terrorizing the people already domesticated or murdered using genocide when the tribe is too large to make captive within the ecosystem of economic exploitation, which is the latest iteration of social engineering for human domestication, domination, and exploitation without respect for other cultures and their evolutionary history of social organization.
Fucking sionist degenerate demons in play worldwide and we just stay apatheticly walking calmly to be slaughtered. Shame on me and us!
Read above reply to help clarify our situation
As if any country or people needed a right to defend themselves
Autonomy and cultural evolution needs universal protection.
What is it going to take to clear away the old to make way for the new which includes all of us as the Chosen People? People like you and me. The old way will fall away like a dead skin for lies cannot live like the Truth.
What is it going to take to clear away the old to make way for the new which includes all of us as the Chosen People? People like you and me. The old way will fall away like a dead skin for lies cannot live like the Truth.
I just have to compliment you again for providing me an education every time I read your words of wisdom. I used to sit in class for months learning things that would or could be summarized in one of your elucidating articles. Even instinctively, I knew October 7th was based on a greater reality than the Zionist occupation getting terrorized by those who it turns out are being terrorized by a multinational effort to invade and colonize Palestine while completely removing Palestinians by either, ethnic cleansing or genocide. The MSM is pathological in their propaganda weaponized against a small population using the tyranny of the masses, who are ironically enslaved themselves. I often times believe the enslaved suffer a kind of frustration aggression that gets projected out onto the free who are still fighting for liberty, which aggression, when projected, allows the venting of their own slavery as though economic slavery is the natural order, but people are millions of years evolved, not just the declined evolution of the last 12,000 years of human development, ironically or euphemistically called civilization under plutocracy and wealth inequality maintained through kleptocracy.