War with Hezbollah - the 'Most Deadly War of All' according to Zionist experts
A recently published report reveals the trepidation of Zionist military experts
Hezbollah missile launchers in all areas of Lebanon
The worst fears of the Zionist entity on the precipice of escalated military confrontation with Hezbollah in southern Lebanon are compiled in a 130-page-report entitled ‘The Most Deadly War of All’.
[Thank you to Resistance News Network (RNN) on Telegram for alerting me to this report]
The report includes the opinions of over 100 experts and IOF commanders who describe the Zionist inability to strategically manage an multi-front war - based on three years research.
The report was presented to Zionist regime officials in lengthy meetings. Meetings that reportedly left key war controllers “more worried than before”.
Six think tanks participated in the research. Five were published, the sixth was removed for “security considerations”.
The Most Deadly War of All
The risks of escalated confrontation with Hezbollah are high according to the experts that contributed to the report.
Hezbollah is capable of launching 2, 500 - 3, 000 missiles per day. A combination of long-range precision guided missiles and unguided rockets. Barrages would be launched towards specific targets that would include vital IOF bases or major cities.
These attacks would result in thousands of casualties and widespread panic among the illegal settlements already decimated in the northern occupied territories as an estimated 200,000 have fled the daily Hezbollah attacks. The northern settlements have been described as ‘ghost towns’ by former UK diplomat and expert on the Middle East, Alastair Crooke, on a number of occasions.
According to the report, there is potential that Hezbollah could destroy the Iron Dome air-defence capability to respond by launching salvos of precision missiles, cruise missiles, drones to overwhelm the air-defence and destroy their batteries. Precisely the Zionist tactic deployed against Syrian air-defence systems since 2012.
They estimate that the reserves of "Iron Dome" and "David's Sling" interception missiles would likely be depleted within a few days from the start of the potential expanded war, leaving "israel" exposed to thousands of missiles with zero defense.
Hezbollah has the capability to severely hamper Zionist Air-Force operations by targeting runways, warplane hangars and critical infrastructure with guided missiles. The Zionist military superiority depends on the Air-Defence and the Air-Force - with both sectors degraded, the superior ground force is Hezbollah.
RNN pointed out:
As Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah previously noted in a 2019 interview, targets could also include power stations, electric infrastructure, as well as desalination and water transport, and the ports of Haifa and Ashdod—all of which lie on a thin strip of coastal land in occupied Palestine.
All of these tactics have been, currently and historically, deployed by the Zionist military against Gaza - it is ironic that it is exactly these tactics that now threaten to destroy the British-incubated Zionist project entirely.
The report also details the drone warfare that Hezbollah would launch. Swarms of (“Iranian” manufactured) suicide drones would have the potential to strike strategic military and infrastructure targets in the depths of the Occupied Territories - this might include weapons factories, emergency weapon stockpiles and military hospitals. This would render Israel entirely dependent upon the U.S.-led genocidal axis to maintain the weapon supply to sustain the Hezbollah front.
The report raises the alarm about the potential for widespread cyberattacks against transportation, communication, government and local authority websites bringing the occupation to a standstill and creating civilian chaos.
This would severely impact upon the already crumbling Zionist economy. As Seyed Mohammad Marandi pointed out in my recent conversation with him - who will invest in a dying, genocidal entity that is daily committing war crimes and atrocities against majority child targets?
Marandi also pointed out that Hezbollah is currently at a disadvantage fighting in the open on the border - that would change with any Hezbollah incursion into the occupied territories or if the Zionist military are stupid enough to attempt a ground invasion into the depths of Hezbollah territory. At that point Hezbollah would use the underground tunnels to prevent detection and to eliminate the IOF forces.
The report notes that Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Forces pose a considerable threat to Zionist security and settlement stability. An invasion of these forces into the occupied territories would distract the IOF from a ground invasion into southern Lebanon.
Images from the article. Hezbollah elite forces
The report highlighted the Zionist public lack of confidence in the IOF reporting of casualties and campaign progress - this would be increased by the loss of internet and communications.
There would also be severe disruption to daily life and there is already a lack of belief in the Zionist regime ability or desire to ensure the safety of civilians after the lack of developments on the release of the Gaza-held prisoners taken on the 7th October.
Just as the Zionist project has been responsible for exacerbating regional and sectarian divisions to further its expansionist aims and to facilitate U.S./U.K. neocolonialist agendas in the region - the Resistance would turn the psychological warfare tactics against the Zionist entity - increasing the internal turmoil and further isolating the Zionist regime from the world.
The much vaunted Air Defence and Air Force invulnerability that the Zionist settlers depend upon to ward off any intensive Hezbollah military activity would be proven another in a long list of paper tiger illusions.
This would create panic and the eventual exodus from Israel particularly by the huge number of dual nationality citizens. Those trying to flee would find their exit route blocked with the closing of airports and transport hubs due to the Hezbollah attacks.
The report highlights that Hezbollah is not isolated. The danger is that all groups from across the region would be involved in the military operations. From the Palestinian Resistance groups to Ansarullah in Yemen, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq and Syria and Iran - Foreign Affairs Minister Faisal Mikdad recently announced the potential for a Syrian response to Zionist unlawful aggression against Syrian infrastructure.
This announcement came during a press conference with the Iranian Foreign Minister who visited Damascus on the 11th February.
The fears expressed in the report of an expansion of the Intifada in the West Bank and occupied interior are now coming true also. Yesterday a statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) outlined exactly that:
We call to move the battle to the heart of the entity, starting from the West Bank.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirmed that the escalation of settlers' attacks on our people in various areas of the West Bank, from road blocking and land seizure to burning houses and shooting civilians, coinciding with the zionist genocide war in Gaza Strip, is carried out by decision from the highest zionist political levels, and with direct sponsorship from the occupation army.
The zionist enemy, currently mired in the quagmire of Gaza, is striving to abort any condition of intifada in the West Bank through escalating its crimes and the settlers' crimes, and enhancing settlement, which is considered the main pillar of the zionist project in Palestine, and the vital artery and fundamental cornerstone feeding its policies and crimes against the Palestinian people.
The Front calls for the need to unite the efforts of the Palestinian people's popular, national, and official components in the West Bank to counter the occupation and confront the settlers' crimes, and to urgently work towards forming popular protection committees to protect villages and cities from settlers' attacks, requiring the participation of the [Palestinian] Authority's Security Forces in this urgent national task, and directing their weapons against the enemy, not suppressing our people.
Moving the battle to the heart of the [zionist] entity, starting from the West Bank, contributes to expanding the borders of the battle, which works to exhaust the entity militarily, economically, and demographically, plunging it further into its existential crisis and the deep crises created by the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood for it. Thus, the urgent and necessary task now is to ignite the West Bank front to support the resistance in Gaza, which continues to inflict significant human and military losses on the zionist enemy.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
With the West Bank threatening to explode, a Zionist campaign in the north with Hezbollah would be insane but nothing we have seen so far from the genocidal Zionist regime suggests that there are any sane influencers capable of preventing a terrifying escalation that would herald unprecedented regional bloodshed and the death knell of the Zionist project.
The report is not yet publicly available but has been reviewed here in Hebrew.
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I admit the death knell of the Zionist project sounds wonderful but the idea of the deaths of Hezbollah fighters and citizens of Lebanon does nothing for me.
There appears to be the same sliver of insanity running through our Western governments like the total insanity of Netanyahu and co, because if anyone looks at what is going on at this moment, insanity is the only real answer and like so many, I just want it to stop.
No four day ceasefire, no two state solution, just return the stolen lands to Palestine and the parts that have been stolen from Lebanon and maybe elsewhere. Let the Israeli's with their dual passports return to whatever former homeland is on their passports.
The zio officials and IOF don't even care about their own people. Just as long as US $$ keep flowing they'll risk anything. It's suicidal, in the end, but they want to take everyone with them.