Palestine is fighting for survival against disproportionate force but prevailing
Israel is being exposed as a paper tiger
Hebh Jamal writes from Gaza:
When I read posts shocked at how I am not condemning Hamas in this point in time, I feel once again inferior. My value as a human is not seen the same. While we are in the most traumatic and gut wrenching moments of our lives there are some who believe now it is the time to say that we have to condemn. We have to say that love trumps all.
I fucking wish. I truly Goddamn wish that love trumps all. That it is love that leads revolutions. I wanted for my whole life to believe that by protesting long enough, by supporting BDS long enough, by writing long enough I am actively making a difference.
Well I wasn’t. Not in the way that might save my people’s existence.
In Gaza, despite bombs being dropped overhead, despite us losing tens and tens of our family members right this very second, they know that if it is not now, it will be later. They know this because their whole lives that is all they had to see. They had to see mutilated bodies, they had to see their children dismembered in front of them, and they had to see their futures destroyed.
2004, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023..
Each war and assault on Gaza it is the same. Each war the amount dead was dismissed and treated lesser than. Our humanity is not valued. For if it was, so would be our pursuit for liberation.
There has not been success in changing the perception of the Israeli public- to actually see us as humans and to accept we will not live in a cage. Whenever Israelis have an election we brace ourselves , because we know the only way you get polling numbers is by bombing or raiding or arresting us senseless. Usually when they bang the war drums, public support comes running. I am unsure how the colonized mind will decolonize itself to give us our freedom. It has not happened and I don’t think it ever will.
Mazin Qumsiyeh - Popular Resistance
I received dozens of messages inquiring about my thoughts on what is going on now in Palestine and how we are doing and what is going to happen. I also did some TV & Radio interviews. It is really very simple: we have 15 million native Palestinians, 8 million of us are refugees or displaced people (2/3rd of Gaza's 2.2 million are refugees). Israel cannot be allowed to get away with stealing lands and resources and setting up a racist apartheid regime.
Even besieged, starving, blockaded people in Gaza manage to break through their prison walls. Miraculously they managed to defeat the supposedly most sophisticated intelligence and military force in the world. They took the battle deep behind delusional Israeli walls.
The Israeli government refused to exchange prisoners before (4 held by Hamas) and now will have to contend with at least 150 Israeli POWs including high ranking military officers. This colossal failure (intelligence, military, political, public relations) was surprising only in terms of its timing. I have predicted this for decades. As before, Israel will not be able to get to the guerilla fighters so they will exert revenge from civilian population which only adds more people willing to join resistance factions.
My section on UK Column News where I talk about the Resistance operations in Palestine to uproot the Zionist occupation:
The full news programme:
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Wounded Knee is repeated in Palestine today. I hear the calls for blood from those who are safe.
Oh the horror! Hundreds murdered! Not to the scale of Iraq where we killed half a million children, or Syria where Israel sends bombs every day to kill civilians, or Libya where the USA killed thousands and murdered the President with a bayonet up his asshole. Nothing like Vietnam where we killed several millions, burning them to death for ten years with napalm on their houses. Or Iraq where hundreds of thousands fell, hopelessly trying to defend against the Coalition Of The Willing. Don't get me started.
Oh the horror!
Once again I cannot get over the amount of people who believe Israel let Hamas get through on purpose, guess there's a lot of people out there who hate to think that Israel got caught with it's pants down.
Is it the fault of Hamas when they broke through the wall from the prison of Gaza that settlers had truly settled the other side?
Truly sickened by the lies being told by Israel and Western media of supposed Hamas atrocities. These lies come easy to the lips of those who are well practiced over the decades of commiting them.
Thank you for all you do Vanessa.