Egypt's role in the Israeli genocide of Palestinians
Normalisation with Israel is a stab in the back for the Palestinian cause
I have recently done a few reports on the role of Egypt in the blockade of Gaza and the massive investment in the Sinai by Saudi Arabia, UAE and Jordan. One thing is for sure, Egypt does not prioritise the Palestinian cause. In my opinion, for these states, the Palestinian issue is an impediment to lucrative economic ties with Israel and the West.
I will be writing a more extensive article shortly also.
I highly recommend this article by journalist Mohamad Hasan Sweidan. Taken from the article:
Riyadh's sudden eagerness to bolster economic ties with Cairo is palpable. With unprecedented directives from both governments, mutual investments are set to soar, with Saudi Arabia aiming to ramp up trade to $100 billion.
Recent collaborations include a $4 billion deal with Saudi-listed ACWA Power for the Green Hydrogen project. Moreover, strategic initiatives like the memorandum of understanding between the Egyptian Ministry of Military Production and the Saudi General Authority for Military Industries and agreements in petroleum and mineral resources signal deepening economic integration.
Ongoing negotiations between Cairo and Abu Dhabi to develop a substantial tract of land along Egypt's Mediterranean coast, potentially valued at $22 billion, could be a game-changer for Egypt's beleaguered economy.
According to the CBE report, the proposed contract's value encompasses a significant portion of the Egyptian government's external debt due in 2024, totaling $29.229 billion. This includes interest payments totaling $6.312 billion and debt installments amounting to $22.917 billion.
Also this article by Mike Whitney:
Let’s summarize:
Israeli, American and Egyptian Intel chiefs met in Paris (IMO) to put the finishing touches on a plan to expel the Palestinians from Gaza.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is about to provide Egypt with a $10 billion loan for “handling a potential deluge of Palestinian refugees that Israel seeks to ethnically cleanse from Gaza.” (The Cradle)
Egypt is preparing a “desert area with some basic facilities” to shelter potential refugees” in the near future.
The IDF has continued its daily airstrikes on civilian sites in Rafah in order to intensify feelings of high-anxiety and panic that will help to trigger a stampede into Egypt.
Food trucks are prevented from entering Gaza. Israel is deliberately starving the Palestinians so they will flee their homeland as soon as there is an opening at the border.
First, my short interview with Clayton Morris of Redacted. Clayton was in northern Sinai shortly after October 7th and confirmed Saudi and Jordanian investment in the Sinai:
Secondly, I followed up with a bit more detailed report for UK Column News (full news program can be seen here) on the 28th February:
This video that I showed on UK Column News perfectly represents the Zionist genocidal policy in Gaza (if anybody knows who produced the video, please let me know).
The Gaza Genocide in Plain Sight
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It should be obvious by now that the US client states in the region -- Egypt, Jordan, the PA, & the oil despots -- are as threatened by Hamas and the wider resistance as are the US and Israel.
Their challenge is how to walk the tightrope between desiring the defeat of the Resistance and concealing that fact from their people.
To any rational person, to any people who dream of genuine sovereignty, no country should ever hand over the training and arming of its military and intelligence services to another country especially a world hegemon like the US. Doing so produces client states beholden to the hegemon, and whose elites are powerful enough to repress the will of their people. It's really that simple. Kick the hegemon out!
The masonic handshake between Netanyahu and El Sisi tells us everything that we need to know. These are not people that care about their own. In which case, how to expect they care about anything or anyone else, rather than their own enrichment and power. Welcome to the world. It has invited judgment; and judgment it will get.